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新教徒之间的裙带关系是与生俱来的。The Protestant Establishment was inbred.

国会议员抨击总统搞裙带关系。The congressman lashed the president for his nepotism.

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凯奇改了名字以避免别人指责他搞裙带关系。Cage changed his name to deflect accusations of nepotism.

市长为了避免裙带关系的出现而走向了另一个极端。The mayor leaned over backward to avoid the appearance of nepotism.

而这正是总统深恶痛绝的裙带关系。That looked like just the sort of nepotism that the president abhors.

而在中亚,最成功的公司往往是靠裙带关系。In Central Asia the most successful companies are sinecures of nepotism.

是根据能力还是根据裙带关系或者其他关系来挑选运营者的?Can operators be chosen by merit rather than nepotism or other connections?

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很难让人不去怀疑这个项目的运作中存在裙带关系。It's hard to avoid suspicions of nepotism about the program's management team.

毕竟,基于业绩给与奖励要优于腐败和裙带关系。After all, rewarding people according to merit is superior to corruption or nepotism.

腐败,裙带关系,徇私枉法以及贪污都将土崩瓦解。The corruption, nepotism, favoritism, moneyembezzlement, all and all will fall apart.

示威者称,他们对猖獗的腐败现象,裙带关系和不断上涨的物价感到非常沮丧。The demonstrators say they are upset over rampant corruption, nepotism and rising prices.

它打破了裙带关系,在过去两年里清退了“数以千计”的冗员。It cracked down on nepotism, resulting in" thousands" of dismissals over the past two years.

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但是,一个优于腐败和裙带关系的体制并不一定就是最好的体制。But a system superior to corruption and nepotism is not necessarily the best possible system.

人们可能会有各种想法,可能会有各种指责,但裙带关系可以证明是不存在的。There can be perceptions, there can be allegations, but it can be proven that there was no nepotism.

我们人类都知道一家人要互帮互助、和衷共济,在生意场上这就叫做裙带关系。We humans are known to help out members of our own families. When it comes to business we call it nepotism.

即使是高速客车系统也存在丑闻,雇佣的近1000名员工与政府官员有裙带关系。Even this high speed train system has scandals & hiring of govt. officials for about 1000 posts was nepotism.

对马克思的继承人来说,这是一种奇怪的推动力,实际上,它导致大量的裙带关系和腐败。That's an odd motivation for the heirs of Karl Marx, and in practice it's led to lots of cronyism and corruption.

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裙带关系和暗中交易是全世界政坛的组成部分,但“指定拨款”制度完全是美国式的。Influence-peddling and deal-making are part of politics the world over but the earmarks system is peculiarly American.

职场中的裙带关系并不少见,因为这是一种没有重视的普遍规律的实践。Nepotism in the workplace is not uncommon, since this is a practice that does not have any universal law attached to it.

丰田章男是否通过谴责我们而回避了那些对他是裙带关系受益人的批评,以确保其在公司领导层的统治地位?Is Akio ducking criticism of being a beneficiary of nepotism by accusing us and trying to justify his ascendancy to the top job?