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这些在1985年戛然而止。That ended abruptly in 1985.

乐声戛然而止时,他们又将何去何从?What will they do when the music stops?

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没有了未解之谜,科学的旅程就戛然而止。With no remaining mysteries, the scientific journey would halt.

一瞬间,火车碾过詹妮,骇人的惨叫声戛然而止。A moment later, her terrible screams broke off as the train mowed her down.

我儿子所在的球队输了那场四分之一决赛,他们的不败赛季戛然而止。My son's team lost that quarterfinal game, and their undefeated season ended abruptly.

可是仅仅几个月后,由于没有马上火爆起来,这个服务就戛然而止了。Google pulled the plug after just a few months when the service wasn't an immediate hit.

2007年最后一晚,避风塘,与朋友对坐,朋友向我哭诉她那戛然而止的爱情。A friend and I sat down face to face in "Be for time"tea house in the last night of 2007.

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就好像在你生命中的某段时间是用来学习的,过了这一阶段就戛然而止了。It's like there's a certain part of your life when you learn things, and then you just stop.

因为这次震惊加失望,海萍的看房事业在其最高潮处戛然而止。After this shock and disappointment, Haiping house-inspecting undertaking stopped at its peak.

或许当火电不再纠结时,“电荒”也就戛然而止。Perhaps as the thermal power no longer entanglements, "electricity shortage" is an abrupt end.

这位好男人的形像在03年戛然而止,科比·布莱恩特先生被指控性侵犯。This good-guy image came to a screeching halt in 2003, when Bryant was accused of sexual assault.

总有这样那样逻辑的理性的理由要你去做一些事,但是你的情绪只轻叹一口气就能让一切戛然而止。Having the feeling that you are right about something and "know how things work" can feel really good.

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该下的时候就下上一场痛快淋漓的大雨,说停了也会戛然而止,好不痛快!The next time the next heavy rain on a making stirring that will stop the abrupt end , no better , too!

南印度洋的一个巨浪摧毁了她的桅杆,从而使她的个人冒险历程戛然而止。A wave in the southern Indian Ocean snapped the mastoff her yacht and put an abrupt end to her solo adventure.

如果故事到这儿就戛然而止,未免过于乏味,故事还在继续。If this were the end of the story though, it would be a kind of boring story and it's not the end of the story.

几乎圈子中的每一个人都听到了瑞克惊人的回答,在旁晚时分,往常那喋喋不休的谈话戛然而止。Almost everyone in the circle caught an earful of Rick's words, and the usual evening's chatter abruptly ceased.

突然间,随着一声唱针的噪音,音乐戛然而止,在一阵可怕的寂静中,邪恶的女巫离开了。Suddenly, the music stops with a needle scratch and there's an awkward silence as the evil bitch makes her exit.

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于是,那刚刚孵化的快意戛然而止,代之而起的,像是对即将逝去的哀悼。As a result, it has just hatched Willful screeching halt, replaced by, such as the mourning of the passing away soon.

严酷的山区寒冬使得作物短暂的生长季节戛然而止,人们常年在饥饿中苟延生存。A harsh mountain winter ends the short planting season abruptly. The margin between starvation and survival is slender.

直到全球经济危机一发不可收拾时,市场才有所反应,资金供给戛然而止。It was only when the global financial crisis gained momentum that the markets reacted and capital flows suddenly stopped.