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那么NASA怎样才能多快好省地提供高清星系图片?So how can NASA deliver the same high-quality galactic images and information for less?

被早期成功所激励,的创业家和风险投资家开始“多快好省的“上创业项目。Encouraged by the early success entrepreneurs and the venture capitalists rushed to launch more startups.

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这是多快好省地发展工业的一个重要途径。This is a valuable means of developing industry with greater, faster, better and more economical results.

引导学生“多快好省”地学习与发展,促进农村小学生数学学习的进步。To guide students to more "learning and development, promote the progress of rural primary mathematics learning."

这对于少走弯路,多快好省,无疑有重要作用。Acording to walking little curved road, many, fast, good and economical, there is doubtlessly the important function.

笔者有幸参与其中,并对老城区街景改造的必要性以及如何进行“多快好省”的街景改造设计进行了分类总结。This paper carries on the classified summary for the necessity of the old city vista transformation and how to carry on the economical design.

要制订加速发展电视、广播等现代化教育手段的措施,这是多快好省发展教育事业的重要途径,必须引起充分的重视。The Hui nationality should take their advantage, impose great importance on culture and develop education bard so as to develop at a fast speed.

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为了有效地、多快好省地解决潜射导弹运载器上述的关键技术问题,需要在多次实航试验中,反复试验,对控制参数不断调整才能达到预期效果。In order to solve the above key technologic problems, adjusting controlling parameters time after time in practical navigation experiments to reach expected result is needed.

对及时更新省、地土壤图和进行土壤资源调查和定位监测,将开拓一条多快好省的新途径。The accuracy of maps made by this technique satisfies the requirements of the Second China National Soil Survey and this technique has the advantages of economy and short time-consuming.

在重型工业建筑工程中,大型设备基础施工常占有很重要的地位,其优质高速、高效益的完成,对多快好省建成整个工程有重要意义。In heavy industrial buildings, the large scale equipment founds tion has been a very inportant matter and played the key role to reach the goal of superior quality and high efficiency in construction.