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例如,这个,一个钻床,巨型的。This one, for example, is a drill. A big one.

阿钻床使钻井垂直容易。A drill press makes drilling perpendicular easy.

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用于钻孔的机器叫做“钻床”。The machine used for drilling is called a drill press.

钻床。可以指定尺寸和操作净空面积。Drill press. Dimensions and operating clearance area can be specified.

图纸提供一个钻床夹具,以为新的铰接空定位。The plan is to provide a drill jig to locate the holes for the new hinges.

无心磨床、铣床、钻床、可亦加工各重异型产品。Centerless grinder milling machine drill lathe and other special-shaped products.

一种涉及加工机械,特别是一种数控钻床。The invention relates to a processing mechanism, especially a NC drilling machine.

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手钻和钻头,钻床也可能是到你的店铺一个很棒的添加。Drill and drill bits, a bench drill press can also be a great addition to your shop.

文中取得的成果对微小孔钻床的设计和生产实践具有重要的指导意义。The conclusions are valuable to the designing of micro-drill machines and productions.

本厂的生产设备有车床、铣床、刨床、钻床等。Our production facilities have lathes, milling machines, planer, drill press , and so on.

有几种机构可以用来控制钻床的转速。There are several types of mechanisms used for controlling the speed of a drilling machine.

该钻床结构简单、操作方便可靠、加工效率高、成本低。It has the characterics of simple structure, convenient operation, high efficiency, low cost.

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整个加工过程选用了钻床、铣床和镗床。Whole processes the process chose to use to the drill machine, miller with the boring machine.

首先通过对钻床工作原理的了解,然后对PLC的硬件和软件进行设计。By drilling the first principle of understanding, and then the PLC hardware and software design.

主要完成对钻床主体控制电路、PLC控制平台、梯形图和硬件系统的设计。It shows the main control circuit, PLC control plat-form, trapeziform chart and hardware system.

由于是中批量生产,采用了回转式钻床夹具,提高了生产效率。Because it is in mass production, using a rotary drilling fixture, improved production efficiency.

柄是钻头末端和钻套、主轴或者钻床上的卡盘相配合。The shank is the end of the drill which fits into the socket, spindle, or chuck of the drill press.

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至少具有钻床,磨床,折弯机或机械中一项以上经验。Least one of the experience on drill machine surface grinding machine , bending machine or a mechanic.

介绍一种钻床用钻轴均布可调多轴头。Multiple spindles heads for drilling machine whose drill spindles are adjustable and even are introduced.

利用组合钻床加工孔系不仅可以提高生产率,而且应用相当广泛。Utilize combination drilling machine process hole department can boost productivity, use quite extensive.