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他针线活是内行。He's adept in needlecraft.

怪不得他这么内行。No wonder he is so experienced.

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我对日本乐理不太内行。I'm not very good at Japanese music.

真正的内行人士享受最。Real connoisseurs will enjoy it most.

所以,他作为内行人非常了解这种游戏。So he knows this game from the inside.

我的老师对设计机器人是个内行。My teacher is adept at designing robots.

去找你们社区内的新闻内行人士。Find the media professionals in your community.

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一谈到音乐,他真的是内行人。When it comes to music, he is really in the know.

一个招聘人可以为你提供内行人的观点与建议。A recruiter can give you insider pointers and advice.

你可以做个十足的内行人,也可以做个十足的门外汉。You can be a rank insider as well as a rank outsider.

在这种专业上你别假充内行了,他才是专家。You won't signify in such a thing,he's the specialist.

在这种专业上你别假充内行了,他才是专家。You won't signify in such a thing, he's the specialist.

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在这些事情上,奥林匹阿斯是个内行,是个热衷的人。In these matters olympias was an expert and an enthusiast.

方风雷是一位技艺高超的交易撮合者,对政治也很内行。Mr. Fang is a consummate deal maker and political insider.

因为发表点内行的意见是他少数做得来的事情之一。For professional speaking is one of the few things he can do.

外行看热闹,内行看门道。Dilettante watch the scene of bustle, adept guard the entrance.

她自称精通计算机,其实她是假充内行。She claims to know all about computers but really she's a sham.

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我们先天的智慧堪比内行人的知识。Now, our inherent wisdom doesn't have to be insiders' knowledge.

他们在龙与地下城的游戏中成长,他们是内行。They had been raised on Dungeons and Dragons. They were insiders.

多看一些喜剧演员的表演,你就会明白内行的人是如何将它做好的。Watch lots of comedians and learn how professionals do it so well.