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这是新的和改进的坩埚。Here is the new and improved crucible.

然后把坩埚放在天平上称一下。Then put the crucible on the balance and weigh it.

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这是对我们的决策之行的最后一站坩埚。This is the last stop on our crucible making tour.

不论对女巫或是男巫来说,坩埚都是一种基本的用品。Cauldrons are a basic item for any witch or wizard.

大多数坩埚似乎至少有部分的魔法。Many cauldrons seem to be at least partially magical.

一些地方例如纽约是一个天然的坩埚。Some places like New York City are natural melting pots.

配给坩埚等待从应用点发出的请求。The Dispense Pot waits the demand signal from the P. O. U.

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现在我们要做的就是把粉末放在坩埚里融化。Now, all we need to do is to melt the powder in a crucible.

用悬浮熔融代替石墨坩埚加热方法。Levitation melting is used instead of graphite crucible heating.

坩埚与炉壁之间应保持适当间隔,且用楔牢牢固定。Take the adequate distance between the furnace wall and the crucible.

英国仍然是一个最好的观望市场—情景形式的坩埚。Britain is still the most-watched market—the crucible of reality formats.

以煤系软沥青为原料,采用多管井式坩埚炉进行沥青热聚合反应。The cyclic dipentene in C 5 raw material was taken off by heat polymerization.

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本文对不同坩埚热物性组合时计算得到的结果进行了比较。The combinations of crucibles with different thermal properties were investigated.

我们有兴趣采购石墨坩埚,请提供具体的尺寸信息。I am interested in Graphite Crucibles. Please send dimensional details for the same.

在这里,我取消我的坩埚内,我赶紧扔起来的新堂。Here I am lifting the crucible out with my new tongs that I hurriedly threw together.

在理论分析和实验的基础上,找出适宜的坩埚形式和生长方案。On the basis of theory and experiment, we find out the right crucible and growth device.

本文设计的是坩埚熔化电阻炉温度自动控制系统。What this text design is a automatic control in temperature in melting in resistance system.

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医院病房成了这个国家各种破坏性力量交汇的坩埚。Hospital wards have become crucibles where the forces tearing Venezuela apart have converged.

阴离子交换膜在金电解造液过程中的技术指标,其优于素烧坩埚金电解造液技术指标。The indexes were compared with those ones in gold electrolyte bisque firing crucible process.

坩埚夹钳应与坩埚形状相符,避免局部受力损坏。The clamps shape need as that of crucible, Avoiding the concertrate stress destruction the crucible.