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我接下来会在武汉出差。I next business trip in Wuhan.

对于出差你怎么认为?How do you feel about travelling?

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当然不会,我很喜欢出差。Definitely not.I enjoy travelling.

要么,他们就是出差。or they, they use it for business.

你是来出差的还是来玩的?Are you here for business or pleasure?

你在南京出差啊?Are you working outstation in NanJing?

我出差去了,刚回来。I've been out of town. I just got back.

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2009年,张出差去北京。In 2009, Zhang took a work trip to Beijing.

我喜欢我的工作,因为我能够有机会经常出差。I like my job because I get to travel a lot.

我不会用出差作为任何事情的借口。I do not use travel as an excuse for anything.

我在出差的飞机上以及酒店房间里拼命工作。I work hard on my flights and in my hotel room?

能到亚洲出差一周,真是美妙的体验。What a fascinating week to be traveling in Asia.

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希望在本公司的出差期能够过得很愉快。I hope you have a pleasant time with our company.

现在地球和月球还没联网,下次吧,下次出差帮带回来。Now the Earth and the Moon do not have networking.

麦琪真是个好姑娘,我出差的时候她一直照顾我的孩子。She mothered my baby while I was away on business.

我将在这星期或下星期出差。I will go on business either this week or next week.

因公出差从来没有很多时间去观光。Business trips never leave much time for sightseeing.

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在我出差的时候,我一般会随身携带两本书,一本是亚当斯密的道德情操论,另一本是沉思录。One is The Theory of Moral Sentiments, by Adam Smith.

为外区到重庆出差人员提供必要的行政支持。To provide necessary support for business trip to CQ.

你下次出差来这里,一定要顺便来玩玩。When you come here on business next time, do call by.