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他自己来自于封建主阶层。He himself comes from the feudal caste.

封君封臣制中体现的封建原则,协调了封建主间的权利义务关系。The principles were to define the rights and duties between the feudal lords.

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城市也需要封建主的政治保护和军事庇护,双方进行过合作的过程。The cities also needed the political and martial protection of them, and they began to cooperate.

但公司的老板们就像封建主管理封地一样来管理自己的公司,他们很少通过兼并交易来扩大商业规模。But owners ran their companies like fiefdoms and businesses rarely merged to gain economies of scale.

封建主可能通过拥抱和接吻把自己的意志强加给奴隶主吗?Or did the feudals perhaps impose themselves over the slave-owners through mutual hugging and kissing?

很明显,武装斗争的目标将是反对封建主、主、办和官僚资产阶级。The democratic revolution resolved the set of contradictions with imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism.

美国物业所有权轨制,即免除一切君主或封建主的拥有权或权力。The system of ownership of property in the United States, meaning free from any claims or rights of a monarch or a feudal lord.

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由于封建主的经济剥削和政治压迫,城市通过自治运动获取了政治自由和政治权利。Because of the economic exploitation and political pressure of seigneurs , cities had to gain political freedom and might through self-rule.

在资本主义生产关系出现后,城市和封建主的矛盾已经成为资本主义与封建制度之间不可调和的矛盾。After appearing of capitalistic production relation, the contradiction of both sides had been inevitable between capitalism and feudalization.

在国君统治下,每个国家内的土地再分为许多采邑,每个采邑各有其封建主,他们都是国君的亲属。Within each slate, under the Prince, the land was again divided into many fiefs , each with its own feudal lord, who were relatives of the Prince.

中世纪西欧的城市特许状是国王或大封建主颁发给城市和市民的一种法律意义上的权利认可证书。The city charter of medieval Western Europe is one kind of legal right certificate granted to the cities and the citizens by Kings and Feudal lords in the Middle Ages.

在西欧中世纪城市兴起的过程中,封建主为了自身政治、经济、军事的需要支持参与了城市的兴建活动。Seigneurs supported and joined the construction of cities for their own political, economic and martial requires when cities were constructed in Western Europe in middle ages.

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德国的特别是普鲁士的资产阶级反对封建主和专制王朝的斗争,一句话,自由主义运动,越来越严重了。The fight of the German, and especially, of the Prussian bourgeoisie, against feudal aristocracy and absolute monarchy, in other words, the liberal movement, became more earnest.

那种“一人独吞”、“人莫予毒”的派头,不过是封建主的老戏法,拿到二十世纪四十年代来,到底是行不通的。Such attitudes as "I and I alone will take everything" and "no one dare harm me" are nothing but the old tricks of feudal lords which simply will not work in the Nineteen Forties.

西欧封建主义的政治结构随着中世纪中期封建主领地的世袭化进程而确立起来。The establishment of the feudal political structure in the medieval Western Eu rope was accompanied with the transitional process of feudal seigniors' manors transforming into hereditary estates.

作为最高封建主,国王应该“靠自己过活”,即以来自王领的“正常收入”维持王室生活和日常行政开支,但是经常入不敷出。As a supreme lord, the king should"live on his own, "that is, he should live on his ordinary income derived from crown lands. But the ordinary income was often hard to sufficiently satisfy his needs.