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专门加工轧钢机配件。Specialized processing rolling mill accessories.

本实用新型涉及轧钢机立辊。The utility model relates to a vertical roller of a rolling mill.

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轧钢机的异常振动是造成钢材表面质量下降的主要原因。Its abnormal vibrations are main causes leading to falling down of surface qualities.

简单介绍了用于轧钢机主传动的大容量、高性能交流传动装置。To present large capacity and high performance AC drive devices for main motors of the mill.

讨论了大型轧钢机辊子工件外圆磨削提高形状精度问题。The problem how to improve the round outside accuracy of the large mill roller has been discussed.

四点接触球轴承多用于轧钢机的油辊箱以承受轴向负荷。Four-point contact ball earings used for rolling mill roll the oil tank to withstand the axial load.

滚动轴承状态的好坏直接关系到轧钢机运行的质量。The quality of the rolling bearings is directly related to the operation condition of the rolling mill.

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不用说,自动化焊接过程的质量对轧钢机的总体效率十分关键。Needless to say, the automated welding process quality was critical in the overall efficiency of the rolling mill.

轧钢机人字齿轮机座的齿轮啮合强度不足是一个普遍的问题。It is a general issue that the meshing force between the gears in the rolling mill herringbone gear stand is not sufficient.

通过对六辊轧钢机辊系的受力分析,给出了轧辊传动力矩和偏移距的计算公式。By analyzing the forces acting on the rolls of 6-h mill, a formula for calculating the driving torque and eccentricity is derived.

产品被广泛应用于矿山机械、汽机车、建筑机械、农用机械、轧钢机械等。The product is widely used in mining machinery, automobile, building machinery, agriculture equipment, rolling steel industry etc.

轧钢机的主机列是由原动机,传动装置和执行机构三个基本部分组成的。Rolling mill is the former mainframe is motivated transmission devices and the three basic components of the implementing agencies.

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并以此信号为依据,控制轧钢机的压下系统,实现对偏心的动态补偿。By means of this signal detected, the system of roll mill press down is controlled to compense the thickness variation of the strip.

通过对中频淬火的实例分析,确定了轧钢机轧辊中频淬火的优势。The example by quenching to intermediate frequency is analysed, advantage having ascertained mill roller intermediate frequency quenching.

这些轴承有特别高的轴向负荷能力,主要用作轧钢机里的推力轴承。These bearings have a particularly high axial load carrying capacity and are used primarily as thrust bearings in rolling mill applications.

飞剪机是连续式轧钢机组中重要而复杂的辅助设备,其结构参数设计的好坏直接影响剪切质量。The shearing machine is a important complex accessory equipment in continue mode rolling mill, its mechanism concerns the shearing quality of steel.

轧钢机、电弧炉等非线性负荷接入电网,将使电网供电质量受到严重影响。With more and more application of nonlinear loads such as rolling mills and electric arc furnaces in power systems, the power quality becomes badly.

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本文介绍了它的计算方法,及其在轧钢机中由轧辊偏心引起的变化信号补偿中的应用。An application to the compensation of the periodical thickness variation of the strip produced by eccentricities in a cold mill rolling is presented.

支承辊轴承座是轧钢机上的关键零件之一,也是重要零件和加工周期长、难度大、精度要求很高的零件。The backup roll chock is one of the key and important parts of the rolling mill. It has a long machining duration and the accuracy of the machining is very high.

轧钢机轧辊轴承采用带密封圈的四列圆锥滚子轴承,介绍密封圈的安装部位和结构形式。The mill roller bearing adopted in rolling mill is four row tapered roller bearing with sealed rings. The mounting position and structure of the sealed rings are introduced.