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不用担惊受怕。You didn't have to worry.

这就是人们担惊受怕的原因So,that's the reason for it.

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有钱担惊受怕,无钱愁肠百结。To have money is a fear, not to have it grief.

进入异性的洗手间,再也不用担惊受怕了。Go into the other genda's bathroom without fear of being caught.

黑暗中在那条窄路上开车,真有些让人担惊受怕.It was very hairy driving down that narrow road in the darkness.

部分公司担惊受怕,于是削减成本和猛砍价。Terrified consumer-goods firms have cut costs and slashed prices.

十年前,微软是一个令人害怕同时自己也在担惊受怕的科技巨人。Ten years ago Microsoft was a feared and fearful technology titan.

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你知道的,所有这些技术都让演员们担惊受怕——将有什么发生在我们身上?You know, all this technology is scary for actors—what will happen to us?

约翰·奈特利夫人很容易担惊受怕,搞不好会为她妹妹发愁的。Mrs. John Knightley is easily alarmed, and might be made unhappy about her sister.

丹尼说,“在我的脑海里,我想我要证明一点我不再担惊受怕了。”"In my head, I think I have to prove a point that I'm not scared anymore," Danny says.

从那小姑娘瘦弱的身体里发出了稚嫩又担惊受怕的声音。Has made the sound which from that girl's emaciated body immature feels alarmed and anxious.

当孩子们跑去外面,从攀玩架上跳下,或者在雪堆里玩的时候,再也不用担惊受怕了。No more panicking when they go outside, jump off the jungle gym and disappear in snowdrifts.

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其次,去年年底人人都担惊受怕时,国债的表现实际上好于黄金。Next, Treasurys actually did better than gold in the fear-drenched period at the end of last year.

公司里最不担惊受怕的人就是在我们这个小小的市场调研部工作的为数极少的几个人。The people in the company who are least afraid are the few in our small Market Research Department.

我相信核电站已经稳定下来了,附近的居民可以不再担惊受怕地生活着了。I believe the plant is stabilised to the level that residents in surrounding communities can live without fear.

几乎所有的这些人都在担惊受怕中沉默了四十多年。这也证明了人们对于触碰这根通电电线的普遍恐惧。That virtually all of them have kept a 40-year frightened silence is testament to the widespread fear of touching this live wire.

这份声明让民众担惊受怕,但事实上这是在赋予你权利,因为提前为退休储备资金很简单且成功率高。That statement scares people, but in fact it should empower you, because it's remarkably easy to achieve retirement savings success.

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这些精英和官僚退休后就退居山林,也不用担为在未来的日子担惊受怕——他们的财富和财产安然无恙。The elite and bureaucracy can retire to their farms and while away their passing years without fear — their riches and posterity intact.

利比在网上发布的视频中说,“让他们也尝尝战争的苦涩、无家可归和担惊受怕的悲惨滋味。”On a video posted on the Internet, Libi said, "Deliver to them the bitter taste of war, tragedies of displacement, and the bitterness of terror."

过去两年来,我们伤痕累累、担惊受怕,被关进了恐惧害怕和糟糕经济的囚笼。我们入不敷出。我们付出了代价。For the past two years, we've been scarred and scared, imprisoned in our fears and an awful economy. We lived beyond our means. We paid the price.