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花园里种了巨型圆白菜。Giant cabbages grew in the garden.

如果圆白菜和胡萝卜比赛谁会赢?If a cabbage and carrot raced, which one would win?

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什锦蘑菇,圆白菜,鸡肉,牛肉,羊肉,鱼丸。Assorted Mushroom, Chinese Cabbage, Chicken, Fish Ball.

麦麸和圆白菜可帮助维护女性荷尔蒙在健康级别。Wheat bran and cabbage help maintain estrogen at healthy levels.

许多人不喜欢吃某种食物,例如我就不喜欢吃圆白菜。Many people do not like certain foods, I for one don't like cabbage.

克思罗沙拉是用切碎的圆白菜和蛋黄酱做成的。Coleslaw is a kind of salad made of finely chopped cabbage and mayonnaise.

馅料多种多样,通常是土豆、圆白菜、蘑菇或樱桃等。A variety of fillings, usually potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms or cherry and so on.

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等同事们离开北京饭店赴宴之后,他们把兔子和圆白菜一起塞进了同事的客房。The rabbits and lettuce were inserted into their colleagues' Beijing Hotel room after they had left for the banquet.

菜园四周高墙环绕,他缓缓地落在了圆白菜和其它蔬菜中间的地上。The vegetable garden all around tall w all encirclement, he slowly fell on the cabbage and other vegetables middle ground.

回到加州后,另一个朋友教了我用圆白菜、洋葱、姜、辣椒和盐等原料在罐子里自己制作泡菜。Back in California a friend taught me to make kimchi by combining cabbage, garlic, ginger, chili peppers, and salt in a jar.

为了搞恶作剧,他们从海淀区的一家农业研究所购买了六只兔子和十几颗圆白菜。So as a practical joke, they purchased a half dozen rabbits from an agricultural research center in Haidian District, along with a dozen heads of lettuce.

很多人比较喜欢用甜绿叶做沙拉。本沙拉食谱中的圆白菜、紫菜苔虽然有一点苦,但是搭配其它甜的蔬菜味道却很好。Most people prefer less bitter lettuce varieties over cabbage in salads, but when combined with the sweeter tasting veggies in this recipe, the cabbage adds a nice tangy flavor.

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当牙龈感染引起牙周病时,饮用圆白菜和胡萝卜混合汁,不仅可以为人体供应大量维生素C,同时还可以清洁口腔。When gum infection causes periodontosis , drinkable mix juice with carrot cabbage patch, can supply many vitamin C for human body not only, return OK and clean oral cavity at the same time.