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我们在核桃园互道晚安。We said goodnight in Walnut Garden.

2001年桃园俱乐部秋季500公里大奖赛冠军。Champion Peach Garden Club 500km fall 2001.

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来回桃园机场到旅馆之接送。Round-trip tranfer between airport and hotel.

一个在桃园,另一个在嘉义…One is in Taoyuan and the other one in Chiayi.

她的骨灰,埋葬在村庄东边的桃园里。We buried her in a peach orchard east of the village.

基本查明了桃园昆虫种类。The insect species were examined in the peach orchards.

今晚,住宿于桃园山庄或同级3星酒店。Tonight, stay in 3-star Xiyu Yongsheng Hotel or equivalent.

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桃园煤矿是一个受多种地下水害威胁的矿井。Taoyuan Coal Mine is the threatened mine by manifold groundwater.

在核桃园组沉积了碎屑和蒸发岩。Clastic and evaporite rocks were deposited in the Hetaoyuan Formation.

住在那想必会让人有一种身处另一个桃园家境的感觉。In that it will make people have a in another family's feeling of taoyuan.

桃园的芬芳最为惬意,园丁的心花更是美丽。Taoyuan most pleasant fragrance, a gardener's heart is a beautiful flower.

住宅位于核桃园与葡萄园之间的开放区域内。The house is part of an open area between a walnut orchard and a vineyard.

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平谷得天独厚的自然环境,孕育出了世界最大的桃园。Such fantastic nature environment makes the largest peach farm in the world.

深圳人的世外桃园,尽在南澳鹿嘴山庄。Shenzhen people's ideal world, every mouth in the South Australian Deer Hill.

贾甲在桃园国际机场办理通关后脱离旅行团。Jia split from the group after clearing Customs at Taoyuan International Airport.

他们的战斗在麦田、魔鬼洞、小圆顶和桃园等地咆哮着。Battles raged at the Wheat Field, Devil's Den, the Round Tops, and the Peach Orchard.

南阳凹陷核桃园组是主要含油目的层。Hetaoyuan Formation in Nanyang Depression is a major hydrocarbon containing target zone.

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桃园来电付费广告,让客户真正实现零风险的广告投入。Taoyuan pay-per-click advertising, let the customer to realize zero risk of advertising.

阿缎姐本名郑彩缎,是桃园杨梅客家人,从小生长在传统客家庄,学得一手客家美食的好手艺。Jheng Cai-Duan, also known as Sister Duan, lived in a Hakka village since she was little.

在抵达桃园机场后,相关工作人员登机对“团团”“圆圆”进行了约半小时的临场检疫。Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, finished quarantine examinations in half an hour at the airport.