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我经常听到「神灯系列」被奉为圭臬。I frequently hear the Magic Lanterns described as rules.

被我们奉为圭臬的英国模式,是纯粹不能持久奉行的。The British model, presented to us all as exemplary, simply could not last.

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两个多世纪后,他关于民族国家的观点被奉为圭臬。Over the last two centuries, his vision of the nation-state has become the norm.

两个多世纪后,他关于民族国家的观点被奉为圭臬。但是这是为什么呢?Over the last two centuries, his vision of the nation-state has become the norm. But why?

本月初,一群中国学者抵达津巴布韦参加一个把这种模式奉为圭臬的研讨论。Earlier this month a gaggle of Chinese academics arrived in Zimbabwe for a symposium in which the model was lionised.

我们仍然与以前保持一致的一点是,无论什么体型被奉为圭臬我们都在试图通过所谓的医疗技术来获得。One thing we still have in common with the past is quack techniques to achieve whatever body type is in the norm at the time.

对那些近一个世纪以来将“卧室与商店应当分开”的分区制奉为圭臬的当地居民来说,这无疑是一场噩梦。To local residents schooled by almost a century of strict zoning to believe that bedrooms must be separated from shops it is anathema.

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对那些近一个世纪以来将“卧室与商店应当分开”的分区制奉为圭臬的当地居民来说,这无疑是一场噩梦。To local residents, schooled by almost a century of strict zoning to believe that bedrooms must be separated from shops, it is anathema.

保守党一直将公民行动主义奉为圭臬,明显违背了它的另一口头禅“英国社会已化为齑粉”。Indeed, his party’s faith in an imminent frenzy of civic activism rather contradicts another of its mantras—that British society is “broken”.

问题在于同一时间内只有一件事情在发生,但是人们对于假消息却奉为圭臬③。The problem there is that only one of those things was actually happening at the time, but people latched onto③ the phrase as though it was true.

在未来岁月里,这本书必然成为钟爱自然与自然史人士、以及那些对亨利。梭罗生命和研究投以回眸目光的人奉为圭臬。For years to come, this book will be must reading for lovers of nature and natural history, and for anyone interested in the life and work of Henry D. Thoreau.

传统的翻译理论与实践一直将“信”、“忠实”奉为圭臬,重视有佳,然而翻译实践中更为常见的却是译文对原文在内容或形式上或多或少的偏离。Though the traditional notion of "faithfulness" has been highly valued, translations with certain deviation from the original are actually more frequent in translation practice.

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诚然,我们一向强调新闻专业主义,公共,独立,客观,真实,这些专业的价值确实一向被我们奉为圭臬。Certainly we have always emphasized journalistic professionalism, commonality, independence, objectivity and truthfulness. Indeed we have always held these professional values as our standards.

花旗银行作为当今世界上最具实力和影响力的银行之一,在其崛起历程中,争取与本国政府的合作是其一直奉为圭臬的原则。Citibank is now one of the world's most powerful and influential banks. In the course of its expanding and strengthening, the most important principle is cooperating with the America government.