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嗨,基恩大夫。Oh, Doctor Keene!

有劳大夫了。There is doctor Lao.

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下午好,大夫。Good afternoon, doctor.

我给您请位大夫好吗?。May I not call a doctor?

“好吧,”大夫说。Well, " said the doctor.

科尼是一个出色的大夫。Corney is a capital doctor.

王大夫是一位名医。Mr. Wang is a famous doctor.

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大夫向本人收了诊疗费。The doctor charged me a fee.

我们带马修去看大夫。We take Matthew to the doctor.

日安,大夫。享受这里的空气。Good day, doctor. Enjoy the air.

李甫西大夫不喜欢这首歌。Dr Livesey did not like the song.

你领会什么好的大夫吗?Do you know the besty gook doctor?

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老天爷呀,我们一定要有个大夫。Lordy, we've got to have a doctor.

一天傍晚,李甫西大夫来了。Dr Livesey came late one afternoon.

大夫不让她起来。The doctor told her to stay in bed.

但主治大夫并不同意。The head doctor disagreed, however.

约翰逊大夫周六有空吗?IsDr. Johnson available on Saturday?

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白求恩大夫在1935年来到中国。Doctor Bethune came to China in 1935.

大夫将替丹的骨折的腿正骨。The doctor will set Dan's broken leg.

大夫把她的肺炎看好了。The doctor has cured her of pneumonia.