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我算不算大张旗鼓地回来了?Am I heading back in a big way?

并不一定要大张旗鼓地进行这件事。This does not have to be a massive undertaking.

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为此,我国目前不宜大张旗鼓地主张法官造法。To this end, China should not unduly favor the judge-made law.

无论他什么时候过来,我总是要大张旗鼓地找一回钱包。Whenever he comes, I make a big production of finding my wallet.

与过去大张旗鼓的抗议相反,底特律赞扬奥巴马的智慧。Instead of protesting noisily, as in the past, Detroit praised his wisdom.

早期新英格兰清教徒对大张旗鼓地庆祝圣诞节不以为然。The early New England Puritans frowned on boisterous Christmas celebrations.

通过大张旗鼓地做这些,许多否则可能错过的问题将被揭露。By doing this aloud, many issues are uncovered that would otherwise be missed.

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如今中国邮政机构仍在大张旗鼓地发行以生肖为主题的邮票。The Chinese postal service continues to release zodiac-themed stamps to much fanfare.

这条五英里长的停泊及转乘线路于上周大张旗鼓地开通运行。The new five-mile stretch of the park-and-ride line opened last week to great fanfare.

但也许,因为是在出售瓶装的幸福,所以这里没有必要大张旗鼓。But perhaps, in the business of selling bottled happiness, there is no need to advertise.

当地居民说今年大张旗鼓引入的吃海藻的银鲤已经死亡。Residents say algae-eating silver carp introduced with great fanfare this year have died.

但中国领导人已经大张旗鼓地表示,他们会在欧洲有需要时对后者提供支持。But China's leaders have made a big deal out of their support for Europe at its time of need.

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在奥兰身份的掩护下,福图纳开始大张旗鼓地重返黑社会。Armed with Olan's identity, Fortuna began making a strident return to the criminal underworld.

格雷厄姆建议,在这个沟通无障碍的时代,不必非得在网站上大张旗鼓地发布离职声明。In this connected age, you don't have to post a missive on a website for everyone to learn about it.

也许有人会问,既然这些只是我们生活的一些小事,何必如此地大张旗鼓呢?。Some people may ask, if it's only bits and bites of life, Why do we have to advertise and promote it?

大张旗鼓的全国性搜索真的能找到比斯宾德现有候选人更优秀的人吗?Will an open, national search really produce a higher quality of candidate than Ms. Spindel already has?

她认为,在这么多人吃不饱肚子的时候,为了一个月的足球比赛而大张旗鼓实在太虚伪了。She argues that the fanfare around a month-long football tournament is hypocritical when people are going hungry.

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大张旗鼓地宣传撤除是最近几次清理中国的学术出版业的努力之一。The highly publicized takedown is one of several recent efforts to clean up China's academic publishing industry.

而这一次,他更是大张旗鼓地表示要以一个人、一张嘴、一台戏“笑侃三十年衣食住行”。This time, he is said to be a big way to a man, a mouth, a drama, "McCain laughed three years basic necessities."

如果你过分大张旗鼓的话,人们看到你真正做的东西,他们会觉得你的产品平淡无奇。If you market it and promote it too heavily, when people see what you've actually done, they will be underwhelmed.