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猫在酒里小便的味道?Cat pee in wine?

“又长又热的小便,”我说。“A long, hot piss, ” I said.

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人们在大便、在小便。Peopledefecating and urinating.

“柠檬汽水就是小便,”我怒喊。“Lemonade is piss, ” I snarled.

小便时把尿装进1.5公升的瓶子里。Collect my piss into 1.5L bottle.

前列腺切除后小便失禁咋办?Incontinence after prostatectomy?

我要去小便,不然就要尿裤子了。I have to go, or I'll wet my pants.

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他小便比平常多。He urinates more frequently than usual.

他小便比平时多。He urinates more frequently than usual.

他的小便混浊,而且气味不好。His urine is cloudy and it smells strong.

你小便时有过烧灼感吗?Have you had any burning when you urinate?

再钓鱼般用鱼杆钓上去大便和小便。Then, later, fishing up her shit and piss.

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我小便时感到发烫和疼痛。I have had burning or pain when I urinates.

你可能还会感觉自己有经常想要小便。You may also feel constant need to urinate.

他小便时感到烧灼和疼痛。He has had burning or pain when he urinates.

他小便时感应发烫和痛苦悲伤。He has had burning or pain when he urinates.

我要小便,但瑞秋在洗手间里!I have to pee. And Rachel's in the bathroom!

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在2006年非洲杯埃及队与象牙海岸队的半决赛中,象牙海岸队的一名队员在球场上小便。Ivory Coast Selection player peed in the field.

一种办法是在小便的时候停止,再尿。One way is to stop a stream of urine, mid-flow.

腿交叉着夹得很紧说明他要去小便,对么?Tightly crossed legs mean she’s got to pee, right?