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这里住着一位叫纯陀的工匠。There lives an artisan called Cunda.

一个不好的工匠常常埋怨他的工具。A bad stayman usually blames his tools.

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工匠用大头针把锁撬开了。The blacksmith picked a lock with a pin.

古驰是儿子的一间皮具工匠。Gucci was the son of a leather craftsman.

鲁班是建筑工匠的祖师。Lu Ban was the originator of architecture.

军械厂需要至少12工匠。Ordnance factory needs at least 12 craftsmen.

最好的工匠制作了这只钟。The finest craftspeople fabricated this clock.

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事实上,保罗·里维尔是一个餐具工匠。Paul Revere, in fact, was a flatware craftsman.

这工匠能把石头雕成各种形状。The artisan can cut stones into various shapes.

他是制作陶器和墙幔的工匠。Mr. Sahin makes ceramic dishes and wall hangings.

读书俱乐部主要选择的工匠的选择。A Main Selection of the Crafter's Choice Book Club.

所以说,地下室里的工匠是历史的助产士。Thetinkerer in his cellar becomes history's midwife.

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如何利用它,工匠与文人一同摸索。How to use it, craftsman and bookman fumble together.

事实上,他的父亲老莎是位手套工匠。In fact, his father old Shakespear was a glove maker.

这枚金戒指是由最优秀的工匠制作的。The finest crafts people fabricated this golden ring.

这里有一则关于施坦威工匠的有趣故事。There is an interesting story about Steinway craftsmen.

工匠发展自己喜欢的工具和技术。Crafters develop their own favorite tools and techniques.

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精美又自定的工匠新房屋在天普市。New beautifully custom built Craftsman home in Temple City.

您谦称自己为一名工匠,将自己与艺术家做了一个区分,为什麽?You call yourself an artisan, as opposed to an artist. Why?

工匠可以在武器和防具上附加上古诗歌或者文字的魔法属性。It will be possible to enchant weapons and armor with runes.