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她是个不起眼儿的小东西。She was just a scrap of a thing.

他们都是非常小的,不起眼的。They are very small, unnoticeable.

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获胜的马是一匹完全不起眼儿的冷门马。The winning horse was a rank outsider.

它太不起眼了,花瓣儿小得几乎看不见。Its too small petals small, almost invisible.

我尽力让自己在人海里显得毫不起眼。I tried to be invisible within a sea of faces.

这个名字也时刻提醒我们,这支乐队一开始是多么不起眼。It is also a reminder of our humble beginnings.

他们看起来像一批毫不起眼的碌碌庸才。They seemed to be a drab assortment of mediocrities.

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它依然像不起眼的小公司一样思考,即便它早就不再是家小公司。It still thinks like an underdog. Even if it isnt' anymore.

肯尼顿是伦敦一个不起眼的小地方。Kennington is a not particularly salubrious part of London.

别看这人不起眼儿,人家可是一肚子学问。He is not taken much notice of, but he is a very learned man.

有许多不起眼的方法也可以使绿色决策生钱。There are lots of little ways for making green decisions pay.

但是此前所有探测到的系外行星都是不起眼波形。But all exoplanet detections had been of the squiggly variety.

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想找一种不起眼的诱饵帮你摆脱那些警卫么?Looking for an inconspicuous decoy to get you past the patrol?

有时候不起眼的小火花能引发难以扑灭的大火灾。Sometimes it's the smallest flames that spark the biggest fires.

你开始新的一天,所以应该选择享受这些不起眼的小事儿。You get to live another day, so choose to enjoy the small things.

公司的、大型的项目,或者说我在做些不起眼的前卫的东西,you know, corporate and big or if I'm doing some tiny avant-garde,

银河系中最常见的星星是不起眼的红矮星。The most common type of star in the galaxy is the humble red dwarf.

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那时他27岁,一个演过几个不起眼角色的健美先生。He was 27 years old, a muscleman with a couple of minor movie roles.

这会怎样改变我们的社交和不起眼的自行车?How would this change our social interaction with the humble bicycle?

事实上许多著名的影星就是从身无分文的不起眼的跑龙套的开始的。Actually many famous movie stars begin with tiny and penniless walk-on.