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他们说,很对不起,日本皇军侵略了中国。They said, 'We are sorry, the Imperial Japanese army invaded China.

小野用金戈的性命威胁金母参加皇军的入城式。Ono with Mr Mother attend imperial RuChengShi threat the life of gold.

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她们被称为“慰安妇”,为日本皇军“服务”。They were known as "comfort women" for soldiers in Japan's Imperial Army.

皇军好。皇军不杀人、不放火、不抢粮食,你看这多好啊!Good Japanese army. He does not kill people, nor set fire and rob food, how nice!

川岛君对白大怡说是日本救了他,让他把皇军当做伴侣。Sichuan island jun dialogue big grace said Japan saved him, let him put the imperial army as a partner.

日本皇军正在庆贺成功,少佐阁下没有得到勋章,心中闷闷不平。The Japanese imperial are to celebrate success and less with you didn't get MEDALS, heart rough stuffy.

她说,在中国档案里已经找到33名日本皇军士兵所做的自首表白。Confessions from 33 Japanese soldiers in the Imperial Army had been found in Chinese archives, she said.

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随著第二次世界大战接近尾声,返回的士兵的日本皇军带来了这首歌带回日本。As World War II drew to a close, the returning soldiers of the Japanese Imperial Army brought the song back to Japan.

他从遥远的印度与阿富汗召来了所有的士兵,集结了三十万人的浩荡皇军。Summoning all his troops from as far away as India and Afghanistan, he forms one vast imperial army of three hundred thousand men.

是白左对多年以前侵略中国的愧疚感使然吗?我们为把她从日本皇军手里救下付出了代价。Is it the leftist white-man guilt from invading China many many years ago? We paid for that by saving her from the Imperial Japanese Army.

没有你们皇军侵略大半个中国,中国人民就不能团结起来对付你们,中国…就夺取不了政权!If your Imperial army did not occupy half of China, the people of China would not have united against you, and we will not be in power today.

一个算命先生瞧出冢本身份,大呼皇军,周五与李四、郑七闻声赶来,冢本再次混进人群中。A fortune-teller look out the mound identity, big called imperial, Friday and li si, zheng seven heard to come, the mound again in the crowd infiltrates.

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一个惊人的塔防游戏的霍斯,为地球上设置坑霍斯战役皇军对你作为你的目标是抵御攻击回声基地。A stunning tower-defense game set on the planet of Hoth, Battle for Hoth pits you against the Imperial Army as you aim to defend the Echo Base from attack.

这一天是九一八事变79年纪念日,该事变是由日本皇军军部发动的借以挑起侵满战争的阴谋。The date was the 79th anniversary of the Mukden incident, a plot by Japanese Imperial Army officers that helped provoke the Japanese invasion of Manchuria.

1945年,溃败的日本皇军把这些武器埋进地里,或者淹没在溪流中,根据北京的统计,这些武器已经造成大约2000人死亡。Buried in fields and submerged in streams by the defeated Japanese Imperial Army in 1945, they have since caused an estimated 2,000 deaths, according to Beijing.

这种日本皇军强化了攻击力的高压俯冲轰炸机,在珍珠港行动中有着巨大的影响并且参与了中途岛和珊瑚海的航母战争。Operating with great effect at PearlHarbor and the great carrier battles of Midway and Coral Sea, the Val dive bomber strengthened the might of the Japanese Imperial Navy.

而玛雅人被西班牙皇军消灭,也很巧合算到2012年,如果玛雅帝国没有被消灭,很可能算出2012年以后的预言。Also when the Mayas conquered by the Spanish Royal Army, very coincidently predicted until 2012. If the Mayas had survived, they would have calculated the history after 2012.

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这四名日本人是受日本政府派遣处理二战时期日本皇军留下的化学武器的,他们所在的公司声称。The four Japanese nationals were sent to China for a Japanese government project to reclaim World War II chemical weapons left by Japan's Imperial Army, their company said Friday.

1939年,南昌战役,一个凶猛的战斗两国国民革命军和日本的日本皇军在第二抗日战争发生。In1939, the Battle of Nanchang, a ferocious battle between the ChineseNational Revolutionary Army and the Japanese Imperial Japanese Army inthe Second Sino-Japanese War took place.

在日本皇军统治新加坡时期,不但没随地下组织领导林谋盛医生参加反日行动,李光耀同日本占领者打工。During the Japanese occupation of Singapore, instead of fighting with the underground resistant movement led by Dr. Lim Boh Seng, Lee Kuan Yew worked for the barbaric Japanese occupiers.