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篮球“飞人”乔丹诞辰。The flying Michael Jordan was born.

他的篮球粉丝们都叫他“中国飞人”。The basketball fans call him flying man in China.

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牙买加“闪电飞人”博尔特扬威北京。The Jamaican lightning Bolt has struck in Beijing.

我很期待飞人刘翔能够早点复出!I am looking forward to the comeback of Flying Liuxiang.

演空中飞人时都要系保险带。All acrobats wear safety belts when performing flying person.

他的篮球粉丝们都叫他“中国飞人”。Hes very strong. The basketball fans call him flying man in China.

这个技术为他博得了飞人乔丹和空中传奇的绰号。This skill earned him the nicknames "Air Jordan" and "His Airness.

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人们给这个技能起了昵称“飞人乔丹”和“他的领空”。This skill earned him the nicknames "Air Jordan" and "His Airness".

牙买加的博尔特以9.69秒的成绩打破世界纪录并获得男子100米飞人的奥运金牌。Jamaica's Bolt breaks world record in 9.69 to win men's 100m Olympic gold.

劳斯莱斯的标志除了双R之外,还有著名的飞人标志。Rolls-Royce double-R logo in addition, there are the famous trapeze signs.

也许乔丹鞋真的决定改变飞人乔丹时装鞋。Maybe Jordan shoes really decide to change Air Jordan 1into a fashion shoes.

当然了,所有的人都在看中国飞人刘翔的表现。Sure, everybody was watching the performance of Chinese Flying man Liu Xiang.

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飞过山和海。飞人,飞人,你会带我去吗?。Over the mountains and over the sea. Flying Man, Flying Man, Will you take me?

劳尔斯·劳易斯的标志除了双R之外,还有著名的飞人标志。Raul Slough Lewis signs in addition to double-R, there is the famous trapeze signs.

而在鞋舌和鞋底前端的飞人标志上还可见些许白色。In front of the tongue and soles can also be found on the trapeze a little red flag.

作为莫雷诺•奥坎波工作内容的一部分,他必须显示出空中飞人般的平衡技巧。Mr Moreno-Ocampo, for his part, must display the balancing skills of a trapeze artist.

有人好奇,艺高胆大的空中飞人表演者,是怎样克服害怕的?Someone may wonder how does a flying performer who is skillful and brave overcome fear?

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23岁的飞人还在考虑参加9月25日于韩国大邱举办的另一项赛事。The 23-year-old also is considering a sprint race on September 25 in Daegu, South Korea.

如果放下手触屏回到键盘前,我们犹如从百米飞人尤塞恩变身成闪电侠一般。The minute I switch back to my regular keyboard, I go from being Usain Bolt to the Flash.

在此次亚运会中,给我留下最深映像的是飞人刘翔和中国男篮。What impressed me best during this Asiad was about Liu Xiang and the Team China basketball.