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她已经养育了五个孩子。She 70 71 up five children.

把他当成自己的儿子般养育。And he raised him as his son.

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他是由姨妈养育大的。He was brought up by his aunt.

一方水土养育一方人。Soil and water were raising one side.

我祖母曾养育十口之家。My grandmother raised a family of ten.

我祖母养育了五口之家。My grandmother raised a family of five.

让这些骨灰养育海棠。Make these ashes to nourish and blossom.

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他不辞辛苦养育那小孩。He spared no pains to bring up the child.

养育孩子是一项重大责任。Raising children is a big responsibility.

把我们的孩子养育成调皮捣蛋的孩子We raise our children to be spoiled brats

我们正在养育一代喋喋不休的碎嘴子。We're raising a generation of sht talkers.

一方水土养育一方人。A side water and soil raises a side people.

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我的母亲费了很多的辛苦把我们养育长大。My mother has too much to do in bring us up.

否则你就对不起父母的养育之恩。Otherwise you will sorry parents upbringings.

或者一个ISFJ有时称为养育者,情况如何?Or how about an ISFJ sometimes called The Nurturer?

然后我们可以讨论如何更好地养育孩子。And then we can discuss how to better bring them up.

不养育孩子的父母不能称为孩子的父母。A genitor who does not parent the child is not its parent.

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义父义母对他的养育又是另一层含义。It is another meaning that foster parents bring up the one.

他由母亲一手带大,而她却是父亲养育的。He was raised by his mother alone, as she was by her father.

丈夫与妻子应要养育子女并组织家庭。Husbands and wives are to have children and create a family.