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他们强制顺从。They enforce conformity.

乔纳森顺从地点点头。Jonathan nodded obediently.

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又一次,杰维斯默默地顺从了。Again, Jervis silently obeyed.

带有媚态和奉承的顺从。An act or instance of cringing.

让我们不要只在某些场合顺从。Let us not be obedient onoccasion.

你应该顺从他吗?Should you submit yourself to him?

它产生出顺从的人。It produces the submissive subject.

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为什么是她一位非顺从的病人?Why was she a noncompliant patient?

我是一个顺从的异性恋女人。I am a submissive, heterosexual woman.

她是个顺从的孩子,总是服从父母。It behooves a child to obey his parents.

在那个夏天,我学会了顺从我的心灵。That summer I learnt to follow my heart.

当爱的羽翼拥抱你时,请顺从她。When his wings enfold you, yield to him.

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她是个顺从和循规蹈矩的孩子。She is an obedient and well-behaved child.

因此,顺从的年代依然没有结束。So the age of deference is not quite dead.

顺从一切,敞开,倾听。Submissive to everything, open, listening.

你顺从了男人的意愿,于是和男人道别。You will obey man, and man and say goodbye.

新上任的首相也更加顺从。A new, more pliant prime minister took over.

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如果说现在的女人自信外露,那男人则温柔顺从。If women today are cocksure, men are hensure.

你正在学习真正的顺从和尊重。You are learning true obedience and deference.

我的工体现在你的自由而非你的顺从中。My joy is in your freedom, not your compliance.