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大的初级彗差使焦平面出现干涉条纹。For large primary coma aberration, interference fringe presents.

非制冷红外焦平面器件是微测热辐射计的核心部件。The Uncooled Infrared FPA is the key component of the microbolometer.

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提出了一种基于FPGA的红外焦平面非均匀性校正的实现方案。A novel resolution of IRFPA non-uniformity correction by using a FPGA.

当大家的位置在不同的焦平面上的时候这个问题尤其明显。This is especially a problem when everyone is standing on different focal planes.

该读出电路结构简单,适合大规模焦平面阵列。The ROIC is simply configurable which is adaptable to large-scale focal plane arrays.

可以在显微镜的焦平面上加装一光阑,从而限制视区。The field of view can be limited by inserting a stop in the focal plane of microscope.

表面镀铝膜,将星光反射到焦平面上成像。It has an aluminized surface that reflects starlight to form an image at the focal plane.

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读出电路是红外焦平面阵列的关键组成部分之一。Readout integrated circuit is one of the crucial components of infrared focal plane arrays.

文章主要对凝视红外焦平面热成像系统的噪声进行研究。In this paper, the noise of staring IR focal plane array thermal imaging system is discussed.

改进后的算法收敛速度快,适合于线列焦平面阵列的非均匀性校正。New algorithm corrects values of coefficient row-by-row and has an increased convergence speed.

象散的形成是由于透镜时形成适当角度的两根轴具有两个焦平面。Astigmatism is caused by the lens having two focal planes for axes at right angle to each other.

研制红外凝视成像导引头的一项关键技术,是要制造大面积的性能均匀的红外焦平面阵列。A crucial technology for staring IIR seeker is to make IRFPA with large scale and uniform property.

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一种制造多电极杜瓦瓶用的固定张力布线仪已研制成功,这种杜瓦瓶是红外焦平面成像探测所必需的。Equipment of wiring with fixed tension on Dewar bottle to detect IR thermoimage had been developed.

红外焦平面阵列的非均匀性是其应用中必须解决的技术难题之一。Nonuniformity of infrared focal plane arrays is a key problem that must be solved in its applications.

但调制传递函数概念的前提是线性成像系统,而红外焦平面阵列则是离散的、非线性的。The MTF' s should be used in linear imaging system, but the focal plane array is discrete and nonlinear.

准直仪将十字线投影到无穷远。被测样品在焦平面上产生一个十字线的像。The collimator projects a reticle to infinity. The specimen produces an image of the reticle in its focal.

基于TDI-CCD构成的红外焦平面探测器件灵敏度高,分辨率高,能在更低照度下工作,具有广阔的应用前景。The infrared focal plane detector based on a TDI-CCD has the features of high sensitivity and high resolution.

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大多数的好消息,整体销售有关的包装和灵活的生产指数,焦平面成员的报告。Most of the good news concerned overall sales of flexible packaging and the production index that FPA members report.

焦平面红外图像传感器的应用难点之一解决其非均匀性的问题。One of the key issues of the application of infrared focal plane imaging sensors is the correction of non-uniformity.

主镜。是位于镜筒底部的一块抛物面镜。表面镀铝膜,将星光反射到焦平面上成像。A surface capable of reflecting sufficient undiffused light to form a virtual image of an object placed in front of it.