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我讨厌她们。I hated them.

它压着,狠狠地压着,于是她们死了。Thus they die.

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她们都是孤儿。Both are orphans.

她则为她们辩护。She defended them.

她支持她们。She supports them.

她们吃了十碗粥。They eat ten bowl.

她们觉得困乏吗?Do they feel tired?

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不,她们是行为检点的人。No, they're prudes.

她们微笑的模样。The way they smile.

为什么我会喜欢她们?Why do I love them?

这项工作毁了她们。The job rotted them.

她们也有可能做到。They can do it, too.

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让我们为她们加油吧。Let’s cheer for them.

她们每周都来。They come every week.

但她们算瘾君子吗?But were they addicts?

不要听从她们!Do not listen to them.

这正是她们的悲剧。That is their tragedy.

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她们是孪生姐妹。They are twin sisters.

她们还没醒呢。They aren't awake yet.

她们靠吃什么活着呢?What did they live on?