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我们必须商定共同的方向。We must agree common directions.

从整体上复审和商定最终的项目。Chunk up to review and agree the project.

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雇用关系属于明江商公司或者按协议商定。Company employment by MJS or as agreed otherwise.

韩珊快步走进商定的包间,猛然愣住。HanShan trot into agreed pack, suddenly was stuck.

他们商定为了在一同,共同面对艰难。They agreed to together and confront the difficult.

保险期限可以由我们商定。The insurance period can be for an long as we agree.

我们在秘密商定穿越敌占区的计划。We are scheming to secretly cross the enemy territory.

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双方商定了访问日程。The two sides have agreed on the itinerary of the visit.

别忘了也曾的商定,那时我们仅剩的东西。Donat forget to ever of the contrserve then we left things.

曾经的商定终极流逝在隔岸的转角。Once the final passage across the banks agreed in the corner.

双方商定将于2011年在美国举行第三轮中美战略与经济对话。They decide to hold the third round of SED in the US in 2011.

在家里,我与家人一同商定家庭事务。At home, I make decisions together with the rest of the family.

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那么我们现在要做的就是商定交货的安排了。So all we have to do now is finalise the delivery arrangements.

下一阶段的任务是要确保实施这个商定的框架。The next phase is to ensure the implementation of the agreement.

更详细的信息将被给予时率商定。More detailed information will be given when rate is agreed upon.

双方商定,第二轮对话将于5月24日至25日在北京举行。They agreed to hold the second round in Beijing from May 24 to 25.

试图商定去哪里度假,结果造成了家庭不和。Trying to agree where to go on holiday set the family by the ears.

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访问日期将通过外交途径商定。The date for the visit will be decided through diplomatic channels.

多模和丝兰戴上了最初买的戒指,并商定娶亲。Multimode and silk aram put on the first bought ring, and was agreed.

此外,黄金高还与每位情妇都商定了幽会暗号。Moreover, Huang Jingao had developed secret codes with the mistresses.