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这么说来,我以为你是不应承。I take it you don't consent.

这位寡妇母亲毫不犹豫的应承了。The widowed mother readily agreed.

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我们经过慎重考虑后才应承此事。We considered gravely before giving our consent.

三人一听令狐冲说话便直接应承下来。Three people to make fox blunt talk directly and her down.

若我所作的,是我所不愿意的,我就应承律法是善的。And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good.

英国驻日大使馆应承尽快安排我撤离日本。The British Embassy arranged for me to leave Japan as soon as promised.

小孩们有自己的策略,“应承所有的东西,到时先算。Kids have a strategy called "promise everything first, think of it later".

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在应承营火处,只在火圈处生火。Where fires are permitted, use established fire rings, fire pans, or mound fires.

参孙说,你们要向我起誓,应承你们自己不害死我。And Samson said unto them, Swear unto me, that ye will not fall upon me yourselves.

今天我们有了一位甚至连在口头上应承自由理念都嫌麻烦的总统。Now we have a president who doesn't even bother to pay lip service to the idea of freedom.

他们想起了卡迪什应承的诺言,就毫不迟延地去张罗葬礼。They remembered Kadish's promise, and went immediately to make arrangements for the funeral.

他们想起了卡迪什应承的诺言,就毫不迟延地去张罗葬礼。They remembered kadish's promise, and went immediately to make arrangements for the funeral.

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他们希望你加入他们的公司,但是不管你有多激动,都不要太快应承下来。They want you to join their company -- and no matter how excited you may be, don't jump too soon.

做更多很棒的工作是来自内心的选择,不仅仅是口头上的应承,这种想法就像后面的手紧随着前面的手一样自然,当你说不的时候也一样。At the heart of doing more Great Work are the choices you make. Not just what you are saying Yes to.

通过这周的事件,你需要知道谁是你真正的朋友,谁只是应承你。It's cause the events you need to know who really stands by you & who are just going along for the ride.

王喜贞无意之中看到了诊断书,情绪奔溃,要舒前进应承自己三件事。Wang zhen inadvertently saw the diagnosis, emotional collapse, three things to shu undertook their advance.

徐监制指透露表现九叔已容许让贝儿参与厨师比拼,令她无法应承。Xu said his producer refers to the performance has nine allow belle involved in wars, she can't cook to her.

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天主向亚巴郎所应承的恩许的时期来近了,这民族在埃及就逐渐繁殖增多起来。And when the time of the promise drew near, which God had promised to Abraham, the people increased, and were multiplied in Egypt.

不过,这种应承肯定会给我带来痛苦,作为对我的报答,你不能剥夺我可以一如既往地不喜欢他的权利。And in return for an acknowledgment, which must give me some pain, you cannot deny me the privilege of disliking him as much as ever.

说起柯林斯先生三天之内求了两次婚,本就够稀奇了,如今竟会有人应承他,实在是更稀奇。The strangeness of Mr. Collins's making two offers of marriage within three days, was nothing in comparison of his being now accepted.