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联系涉外单位。Contact foreign units.

欲求涉外家政工作。I want to work on foreigners family.

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欢迎来到西山网上涉外警务室!Welcome to Xishan District Police Online for Foreigers.

我们饭店是一所位于西子湖畔的三星级涉外饭店。Our hotel is a three-star hotel located at the West Lake.

现在大型涉外企业工作。Now I am working at a large-scale international enterprise.

万兴酒店是三星级旅游涉外饭店。Wanxing Hotel is a three stars international tourist hotel.

凯撒皇宫大酒店是一家商务涉外型酒店。Caesar Palace Hotel is a foreign-related business-type hotel.

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追偿是一项涉及面广,具有一定法律性的涉外工作。Recovery covers a wide range with foreign-related legal work.

名都园是最靠近ISB的涉外别墅小区之一。Capital Paradise is one of the communities most closed to ISB.

第二十七条涉外事务归口管理。XXVII. The foreign affairs should be under central management.

该词次要的词义才指涉外部,指当必要的时候确立“正义的战争”的合理性。The lesser jihad is external, validating "just war" when necessary.

2年以上同岗位工作经验,涉外5星级酒店从业经历者优先。Min 1-2 years experience in a 5 star international hotel would be a plus.

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从事粤式点心制作1-2年以上同岗位工作经验,涉外5星级酒店从业经历者优先。Min 1-2 years experience in a 5 star international hotel would be a plus.

育菁宾馆是一家高校涉外宾馆。Yujing Hotel is a university hotel authorized to accommodate overseas guest.

北海鸿华大酒店是一座三星级涉外旅游酒店。Beihai Honghua Hotel is a Three Star concerning foreign affairs travel hotel.

全国优秀律师事务所——康桥律师事务所涉外商务律师。A foreign business lawyer of Kangqiao Law Firm, which is a national law office.

所以要加强涉外企业的信息情报工作是当务之急。Therefore, it's urgent to strengthen foreign business information message work.

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公安英语口语主要是指公安人员在实施涉外管理中所用到的英语口语。Oral English for police is English used by police when dealing with foreign affairs.

外籍人士可以被聘任为涉外仲裁委员会仲裁员。Yes, foreigners may be appointed as arbitrators of a foreign arbitration commission.

我国涉外交易的企业,必须加速电子商务的建设。The enterprises engaging in overseas trade should strengthen the establishment of it.