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他们用日本生丝和人造丝。They prefer to buy Japanese silk and rayon.

然后再收集起来,纺成生丝。These are then gathered and spun into raw silk thread.

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测定再生丝素纤维的力学性能。To detect the mechanic properties of regenerated fibroin fibers.

再生丝素纤维的体外酶降解率。The in vitro enzyme degradation rate of regenerated fibroin fibers.

用自透析湿法纺丝,制得含黄原酸盐的再生丝素初生纤维。The RSF filament with xanthate was produced by wet spinning process.

体系溶解脱胶后的丝素,然后对均匀的纺丝液进行自透析湿法纺丝获得再生丝素纤维。Then the dopes were wet-spun by self-dialysis process to obtain uniform RSF fibers in this paper.

本文主要研究桑蚕生丝经不同泡丝工艺处理后,其编织性能的变化特点。After the mulberry raw silk properly processed, its Kitting properties are researched in this paper.

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结论再生丝素膜对鼠胚真皮层成纤维细胞具有良好的细胞相容性。Conclusion Regenerated silk fibroin films has a good compatiblity with rat embryo dermal fibroblasts.

并介绍了提高名牌生丝茸毛分级度的经验和措施。The experience and measures to improve lousiness gradation for famous brands of raw silk are presented.

生丝用来做胡须和英雄球,硬纸板用来做头盔,头盔表面贴金上色。Raw silk used to make his beard and heroic ball, cardboard used to make helmets , helmet surface gold color.

为研究及改良丝织技术,岭南大学农学院从美国引进生丝复式强伸力机。Serigraph The College of Agriculture bought a serigraph from the States to improve silk knitting techniques.

本文就触蒸前处理对茧的解舒和生丝抱合力的影响作了探讨。The effect of direct steaming pretreatment of cocoon on cocoon reelability and raw silk cohesion is discussed.

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捻在一起的丝就是绞结在一起、双股合成纱线的生丝。A length of yarn, cord, or thread, especially a strong silk thread used mainly to bind the edges of buttonholes.

用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳研究了从生丝脱胶获得的丝素。Fibroin obtained from degummed raw silk was studied by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

生丝柔软工艺是其编织前的一道重要工序,对真丝针织产品的质量起了很大的作用。The mellowing of raw silk is an important process before knitting, which plays a large role on the product quality.

文章分析了一档中心配茧做小生丝偏差的原理,介绍了生产技术措施和工艺技术关键。The author analyses the cocoon matching mechanism for less size deviation, with description of some technical cruxes.

统茧缫丝中不同种类的次茧对生丝各种品质指标影响程度不同。Various defective cocoons in unsorted cocoon silk reeling will influence in varying degrees on raw silk quality indices.

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生丝呈色发色是缫丝厂时有发生的问题,对产品质量和企业经济效益影响较大。Undesired colour of raw silk often occurring in filatures exertS much influence upon product quality and economic efficiency.

在前期研究的基础上,主要从以下三个方面研究了静电纺再生丝素纤维及由其构成的非织造布状纤维毡的结构和性能。Based on the previous studies, the structure and properties of ERS and ERSF were investigated mainly on the following aspects.

煮茧是丝绸生产中缫丝前的一个主要工艺流程,是关系到蚕茧解舒率,提高生丝质量的一个重要工序。Cocoon cooking process is primary important in silk-reeling process, which concerns the quality of raw silk and the strech of pod.