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他因杀人罪被判入狱。He was jailed for manslaughter.

奥里埃玛被判入狱25年。Auriemma was sentenced to 25 years.

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除了他们大多数都是因为谋杀入狱。Except most of them were in for murder.

李森后来因此入狱服刑。Mr. Leeson later served time in prison.

他认为查莱克是被诬陷入狱的。He believes Zarek was falsely imprisoned.

安徽马鞍山市副市长因受贿入狱。Former vice mayor jailed for taking bribes.

最高量刑可判他入狱150年。His sentence could top 150 years in prison.

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他因敲诈被捕入狱。They're involved in a drug-smuggling racket.

五个月后,周正毅重新被判入狱。Five months later, Mr. Zhou was detained again.

其后他被送到阿利根尼县入狱。He was then taken to the Allegheny County Jail.

赫夫曼法官对那七个人宣判入狱。Judge Hoffman sentenced the seven men to prison.

他因抢劫银行而被判入狱20年。He was sent down for 20 years for robbing a bank.

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如果他继续行窃,最终肯定会锒档入狱。If he continues to steal, he'll end up in prison.

他们因制造动乱而再次入狱。They were reimprisoned for causing a disturbance.

福布斯因为没有纳税而最终入狱。Fobes ended up in prison for not paying his taxes.

如果保拉认罪,她将会面临最长入狱一年的判决。If convicted, she could face up to a year in prison.

因为冒充顾客在商店行窃,他被判入狱六个月。He was sent to prison for six months for shop-lifting.

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毛的夫人私自下令将他入狱。His imprisonment was personally ordered by Madame Mao.

现年54岁的吉布思女士,自周日开始入狱。Ms. Gibbons, 54, has been in jail since Sunday, and Mr.

这篇文章写的是一个被误抓入狱的人。This article concerns a man who was wrongly imprisoned.