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附上特调虾酱。Served with house shrimp paste sauce.

小虾米配龙虾酱是谁的?Who was the shrimp with lobster sauce?

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蟹肉沙拉配虾酱,放在鳄梨泥上。Crab Salad with Avacado and Bisque Jelly.

龙虾酱汁和马铃薯泥真是绝配呀!Mashed potato with lobster gravy were so delicious.

秋刀鱼,新鲜蔬菜,虾酱。Mackerel and fresh vegetables with a shrimp paste sauce.

翌日早上,美菁把虾酱送到国栋公司。Next morning, beauty the xiajiang vaiety guodong company to.

虾酱对皮肤是否也会有过敏症状?。Whether can shrimp paste also have hypersensitive state to the skin?

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一个简单的泰式咖喱酱由干辣椒,葱和虾酱。A simple Thai curry paste consists of dried chillies, shallots and shrimp paste.

别恶心,你在夸我还是贬我?小虾米配龙虾酱是谁的?。Creepy, Howard. Howard Creepy good or creepy bad?Who was the shrimp with lobster sauce?

前者是用剁烂的虾酱,碎虾肉和碎竹笋制作。The first is made with pounded shrimp paste, chopped shrimps and shredded bamboo shoots.

以蜢子虾为原料,用碱性蛋白酶水解保温制备虾酱,杀菌包装得到产品。The Acetes Chiensis was hydrolyzed by alkalic protease, and shrimp sauce was produced with disinfecting and packing.

目前大多数餐馆里的泡菜都是用鱼酱或虾酱来替代盐,尽管用量很少。Apparently most varieties served in restaurants use the fish sauce or shrimp instead of salt, albeit in small amounts.

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这是从虾肉发酵制成,虾酱可以用在马来西亚,缅甸,寮国,泰国,新加坡,印度尼西亚和菲律宾的大部分佳肴。Shrimp paste can be found in most meals in Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines.

亚硝化处理后,其诱变性较虾酱直接亚硝化时高5倍左右。The mutagenicities of these extracts after nitrosation were about 5 times higher than that of the original shrimp sauce.

一个特殊而简单的下降是由辣椒,大蒜,虾米,莱姆汁,鱼露,糖和虾酱。A particular and simple dip is made from chillies, garlic , dried shrimps, lime juice, fish sauce, sugar and shrimp paste.

烤鱼柳片配上自制的龙虾酱。配菜有薯条、甜豆、花菜和胡萝卜。Pan-grilled fish fillet prepared with home-made lobster sauce. Served with French fries, sweet peas, cauliflower and carrots.

用异丙醇及丙酮反复提取虾酱中的诱变剂前体,得两种粗提物。The mutagen precursors in shrimp sauce were extracted with isopropyl alcohol and acetone. Crude extracts No. 5 and No. 6 had obtained.

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国际形象有助于产品销售,尽管只有菲律宾人才会买毛鸭蛋,或只有泰国人才会买最辛辣的虾酱。A global image helps sell products, even if no one but Filipinos would ever want to buy duck-fetus eggs or Thais the most pungent variety of shrimp paste.

先生.今天我们有很好的蔬菜.是"虾酱炒西兰花".这是我们大厨的推荐.西兰花是本地的.它可能与您那里的不一样.它特别美味.值得一试.We have a very nice vegetable today, "Broccoli with crabmeat sauce", It`s our chef`s recommendation. The broccoli is local, so it`s a little bit different from yours.

咖喱、虾酱、鱼露、生抽……看似是普通的调味料,但只需动动脑筋配上适合的材料,在平凡中也会有新意。Curry, shrimp paste, fish sauce and light soy sauce are common seasonings. But by matching with suitable ingredients and putting in a little creativity, you can make innovations out of the ordinary.