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的办公窗口供行人赏玩。office window for passers-by to play with.

今天,狮子是普遍的吉祥物和娱乐赏玩的对象。Today, the lion is a general mascot and a target of amusement.

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我高度赏玩后面那私人难得的正确演练。I highly treasure the preceding manis precious precise exercise.

我们去了东台路,那里有许多古玩可供赏玩。We went Dongtai road where there was lots of antiques to peruse.

杭帮菜博物馆等着你去赏玩学品哦!Hangzhou Dish Museum awaits you to watch, to play, to learn, and to taste.

来年的花开定会留下永久的珍藏,供一生品味赏玩。The next bloom will leave a permanent collection, appreciation for life taste.

当代散文尚未建立起自觉的语言赏玩意识。Third, they haven't established the conscious awareness of language enjoyment.

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我高度赏玩后面那私人难得的切确演练。I highly be pleottomd concerning the preceding manwis precious precise exercise.

这时的玉器已转为赏玩之用,大多作为工艺品。By now jade carving transferred takes pleasure in it to use, mostly as handicraft.

告诉你吧,我会在尽情赏玩之后,把收到的信笺和卡片堆起来,堆成高塔。After I’ve looked at and enjoyed the cards and letters I receive, I put them in a stack.

是收藏赏玩、馈赠商务礼赠、文化交流的上佳玉礼。Collection is enjoying, present a gift, cultural exchange business go up beautiful jade ritual.

我还必要时候读书、写诗、作画、赏玩得意以及我所爱的脸庞。I still need time to read a book, write poems, paint a picture, look at scenes and faces dear to me.

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但不要因而就以为苹果想争这些个产品被用户暮年单一年的拿着赏玩。But don't let that fool you into thinking Bpple wants those products to enjoy years and years of use.

问得好!告诉你吧,我会在尽情赏玩之后,把收到的信笺和卡片堆起来,堆成高塔。Yes, good question! After I've looked at and enjoyed the cards and letters I receive, I put them in a stack.

晚饭后,所有人都去散散步放松一下,玩玩游戏,赏玩他们的礼物或者看看电视。After dinner, everyone relaxes by going for a walk, playing games, enjoying their presents or watching television.

健身房和室内游泳池是疲惫旅者的天堂,在这里可荡尽一日商务谈判及观光赏玩的卷怠。The gym and indoor swimming pool is a haven for weary travellers after a long day of business negotiations or sightseeing.

人们花大价钱收藏的书画往往不舍得轻易示人,通过我们复制后可以随意赏玩,还可以多复制几幅送亲友共享。People hardly show those paintings which they paid a lot. After our copy, one can enjoy and show the paintings at their will.

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在获奖名单宣布之后,如果大家青睐这些招贴画,我将以管理员的身份再次打开图库,以供大家赏玩。Inspiring pool and a keeper as I will open it up again to let people play if they feel up to it after I announced the winners.

这种审美情趣折射出了宫体诗人独特的心理,即他们抱有的赏玩、男权、宣泄心理。This aesthetic tendency reflects the psychological states of the poets, including pleasure in women, male chauvinism and emotional catharsis.

也适于单植赏玩,如和垂柳混栽,在柳叶吐绿时,相互辉映,更具鲜明的色彩。Comfortable also at only plant delight in, if be mixed with weeping willow, grow, when willow Xie Tulu, mutual reflect, provide a Technicolor more.