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这两个音又游移不定。These two sounds keep on vacillating.

他仍然在两个计划中游移不定。He's still wavering between the 2 plans.

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他思想不稳,行为游移不定。He is a man of unsteady mind, and acts by planets.

所以,人们的关注点只是向上游移了一些。So the focus of admiration is simply shifting upstream.

不要只是呆看着女人——要用你的眼睛在她的眼睛上面游移。Don't just LOOK at the lady -- linger over her eyes with yours.

是的,我们要毫不游移地支持那些人类共同的价值。Yes, we want to support those common human values unwaveringly.

越过太阳那炙热的球体,慢慢地,月亮游移而去。For across the sun's glowing sphere, slowly, the Moon swims away.

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那个人初始有些游移不定,随后拿起信封揣进兜里。The man hesitated then picked up the envelope and put it in his pocket.

在所处场所里,正常人的眼神会固定而专注,一个说谎者的目光则会游移不定。A liar’s eyes may bounce all over a scene instead of fixing and focusing.

阿纳金的眼神游移到壁炉那边,手里的光剑挥舞得丝毫不慢。Anakin's eyes traveled over the fireplace wall even as his lightsaber whirled.

干这一行的人在信任与背叛、希望与恐惧、爱与恨之间往来游移。Its practitioners traffic in trust and betrayal, hope and fear, love and hatred.

沉默笼罩了房间,其他人的目光在我和赫克马特间游移。A silence hung in the room and the eyes of other men moved between Hekmat and me.

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游移电子只能在具有特定能量的状态上存在。The delocalized electrons can exist only in states that have specific energy levels.

平衡论的研究也只是在理性与非理性的张力中游移。The study of balance thesis only wavers in the pulling force of rational and irrational.

一群小海马在澳大利亚新南威尔士的曼利浅海区游移。A group of young seahorses drifts in shallow waters off Manly, New South Wales, Australia.

你的声音游移在我的心,一样三缄其口健全的海,其中听力苍松。Your voice wanders in my heart, like the muffled sound of the sea among these listening pines.

李山的生物艺术在科幻小说和生物学的潜在发展之间不断游移。Li Shan's biological art vacillates between science fiction and potential developments in biology.

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“我不知道,”嘉莉回答。她思绪仍然很乱,游移不定,不知如何是好。"I don't know, " returned Carrie, still illogically drifting and finding nothing at which to catch.

目前,在这洋洋大观的思想长征中,我们不要止步,不要游移,不要有停顿的时间。In the meantime, let there be no halt, no hesitation, no pause in the grandiose onward march of minds.

主要问题之一印度独立以来的“决策的游移不定。One of the Major Hinderance is "delay in decision making" that India has been experiencing since Indepdence.