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他在做着噩梦。He is having a nightmare.

也可能是噩梦的世界。Maybe it's a nightmare world.

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但这变成了一个噩梦。But it turned into a nightmare.

他担心会作噩梦。He was worried about nightmares.

反复的梦及噩梦。Recurring dreams and nightmares.

露西从噩梦中猛然惊醒。Lucy jerked awake from a nightmare.

噩梦扰得我整夜未眠。Nightmares kept me awake all night.

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这是一场曾经的美梦,还是眼下的噩梦?Was it a dream or is it a nightmare?

我作噩梦会梦到坠机。I have nightmares about plane crashes.

为什么要再冒险那个噩梦?Why risk that nightmare all over again?

我觉得好像刚从噩梦中醒来。I feel as if I had waken from a nightmare.

其他噩梦般的事情也在刺激着美国的神经。Other demons are jangling America's nerves.

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莱梅尔逊是企业眼中最可怕的噩梦。Lemelson is a corporation’s worst nightmare.

患者通过噩梦来发泄过剩的精力。Troubled dreams erupt with excessive energy.

然而,接下来发生了.com泡沫和911噩梦。Then came the .COM bustand the 911 nightmare.

对大多数的我们而言,说不就像是噩梦一样。And for most of us, it’s a nightmare to say No.

听到,噩梦充述着撕裂的雨声。Heard references to a full tear off a nightmare.

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他从噩梦中惊醒,因为恐惧而吓得发抖。He woke up from a nightmare, trembling with fear.

不能想象这噩梦般悲剧中的恐怖。Can't fathom the horror of a nightmare such as this.

最终,在昨晚的比赛中,大腿拉伤结束了他在场上的噩梦。His night ended ignominiously with a hamstring pull.