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那个地方像砖窑一样冒烟,这你知道。The place went up in flames like a kiln, you know.

在喀布尔,一阿富汗工人削木柴,以点燃砖窑。An Afghan worker cuts firewood to light a brick kiln in Kabul.

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他说,有关部门是通过最近当地的媒体报道获知这些砖窑的。He said authorities learned of the brick kilns through recent local media reports.

在运动初期,萨蒂亚尔希将印度北部地区的采石场和砖窑里的工人组织起来。Initially, he organized workers in the quarries and brick kilns of northern India.

在2007年,中国北方的打击行动曾经使数百名砖窑奴隶获得自由。Hundreds of brick kiln slaves were freed in 2007 following raids in northern China.

用于水泥厂、粘土厂、炭场、矿场、砖窑场的挤压螺钉和输送螺钉。Extrusion screw, cement clay, coal conveyors screws in mines, brick yards, quarries.

处处干燥,处处烫手,处处憋闷,整个的老城像烧透的砖窑,使人喘不出气。Everywhere was parched and stifling as if the whole ancient city were one lighted brickkiln.

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2007年,在山西砖窑事件后,中国政府发誓要杜绝这样的问题。In 2007, the Chinese government vowed to stamp out the problem after the Shanxi brick kiln case.

已经有恶劣的案件表明,有被拐儿童被从矿山或者砖窑中救出。There have been several high-profile cases of abducted children being rescued from mines and brick kilns.

本文对火药、锅炉、砖窑爆炸所致烧伤43例进行分析,发现有爆震伤临床表现者26例。In this paper, 43 cases of burns caused by explosion of gunpowder ora boiler and a brick-kiln were analysed.

由于在从砖窑取砖块的时候,没有手套的保护,他的双手通红,就想煮熟了的龙虾。His hands are as red as freshly boiled lobster from handling hot bricks from a kiln without proper protective gloves.

王师北与楚河随着众人撤到砖窑,楚河趁人不备在途中喷洒香水作记号。King division and the north bo Lin as they move to brick kilns, while people unprepared in transit bo Lin frontlets sprays.

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北京的政治家们要不定期地平息由网上一条反对黑砖窑奴工的请愿书所造成的骚动。And in Beijing politicians are scrambling to calm an uproar fuelled by an online petition against slave labour in brick kilns.

2007年,有关部门从黑砖窑和黑煤矿救出500多人,并承诺清除这一现象。In 2007, authorities rescued more than 500 people from illegal brick kilns and coal mines and promised to eliminate the practice.

幸存者全身上下到处是伤痕和灼伤的疤痕,他们被迫搬未冷却的砖块而且赤脚走在砖窑里。The survivors had wounds and burns all over their bodies after being forced to carry uncooled bricks and walk barefoot in the kiln.

国家媒体今年五月报道,警方在河北省营救了34名被迫在砖窑里工作的工人。In May, police rescued 34 people forced to work at a brick kiln in northern China's Hebei province, state media reported at the time.

星期五,在苏的帮助下,张小英最终在苏的孩子被发现的砖窑附近的另外一个砖窑解救出了自己的孩子。By Friday, with the help of Mr. Su, Ms. Zhang finally located her son at a kiln near the one to which Mr. Su's children had been taken.

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中国已就黑砖窑事件对数十名渎职官员进行了处罚,并提宣布进行刑事调查。China has punished dozens of officials for allowing slave-like exploitation of workers in brick kilns, and announced criminal investigation.

中国的国营媒体说,又有31人因为他们在中国北部地区发生的黑砖窑奴工事件中的角色而被监禁。Chinese state media say 31 more people have been jailed for their roles in a slave labor scandal involving brick kilns in the country's north.

砖木结构的窑洞建筑的表现形式主要是在砖窑外侧加上木构架檐廊,或者在砖窑的顶部加建木构架的房屋。The manifestation of the brick wood kiln mainly is bride kiln plus wood frame gallery, or adding the wood frame in the coping of the brick kiln.