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最好的无线电台是哪家?。UnR 12 What's the best radio station?

无线电台详细地广播了那则消息。The radio broadcast the news in detail.

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这是发现新无线电台的一个重要途径。It's a great way to discover new stations.

我们也用无线电和其他无线电台站联络。We have also radio contact with other radio stations.

伊拉克战场的一名士兵正在使用战术无线电台A U.S. Soldier in Iraq Using a Tactical Radio U.S. Army

无线电台和报纸开始报道这件事。Radio stations and newspapers began to pick up the story.

电视台和无线电台向该国播放新闻节目。Television and radio stations beamed the news to the country.

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无线电台向沿海居民发出警报,准备对付风暴。The radio alerted coastal residents to prepare for the storm.

有些人可能认为无线电台广播事业中稍逊一筹。Some people may regard radio as the poor relation of broadcasting.

传统的方法是使用无线电台、电话线或专用通信线。The traditional methods are radio, telephone line and leased line.

“地方”无线电台正在面向全国,甚至面向全球广播。"Local" radio stations are going national, and even international.

她试图凭借听觉记忆把从无线电台广播中听到的一首歌曲弹奏出来。She tried to pick out the tune of a song she had heard on the radio.

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现在你就能收听设立在全国各地的地方无线电台广播的新闻了。Now you can listen to local radio stations based in cities across the country.

我同样在我想要听音乐的时候需要到它,网络无线电台也相当好。I also use it when I want to listen to music. Internet radio stations are fabulous.

幸运的家伙猛踩刹车,设法干扰业余无线电台的操作者的无线电通讯。The jammy cow jammed on his brakes and tried to jam the raido ham' s transmissions.

本文介绍了地铁列车无线电台工作频率切换的方法。A cut-over method of train radio operating frequencies is herein described in this paper.

要害地点都架设了机枪,无线电台也被查封。Machine-gun posts were set up at important points, and the wireless stations were seized.

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其他细目在无线电台站的第一套节目的海事专题中说明。Breakdown of other radio stations in the first set of topics described in the Marine program.

地震使得海地的电视、手机网络以及无线电台全部陷入了瘫痪。Haiti's TV, cell phone networks and radio stations were knocked off the air by the seismic jolt.

在那里他们学会了如何操作无线电台和现代化武器以及如何设伏。The Tibetans learned how to operate a radio transmitter, fire modern weapons and set up ambushes.