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祭司唱起赞歌。The flamen chant their approval.

他唱着一首旧的赞歌出去了。Hymning an old hymn , he went out.

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我们会第一对它唱赞歌的。We'd be the first to sing its praises.

让五月的赞歌唱响在五月的天空!Sing the songs so that in May the sky in May!

我们唱着着记忆里老布莱尔的赞歌。We trot out the old Blair mantra from memory.

我们要在精致而庄严的弦乐中唱上一首赞歌。We sung the hymn in measured and solemn strain.

第一首英语的圣诞赞歌写于1426年。Christmas carols in English first appear in 1426.

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简单但强大的爱之歌转社会赞歌。Simple, but powerful love song turned social anthem.

这种精神同样也是对生命的颂扬,对人类崇高精神的赞歌。It is an ode to life and a poem in praise of humanity.

那为什么这个世界不对NBA大唱赞歌?So why isn't the world singing the praises of the NBA?

所以为你的前进和末日审判去高唱赞歌吧。So sing your praise of progress and of the Doom Machine.

晚上乔赛亚·富兰克林常在家里拉赞歌。Josiah Franklin often played hymns at home in the evening.

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晚上乔赛亚?富兰克林常在家里拉赞歌。Josiah Franklin often prayed hymns at home in the evening.

以下小诗就是一首共享和谐世界的赞歌。The following poem is a tribute to sharing the world in harmony.

用我们实际行动来谱写一曲又一曲春天里的赞歌。With our practical action to write a song and a hymn in the spring.

第七次,当它违心的大唱赞歌时,却将其看做美德。The seventh time when she sang a song of praise and deemed it a virtue.

这个世界充满了稀奇古怪的东西,本文是为所有这些稀奇古怪的东西唱一首赞歌。The world is full of strange things, this article is an ode to all of those.

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就连标准委员会在去年底参观后,都想方设法对其大唱赞歌。Even Ofsted, on a visit at the end of last year, managed to sing its praises.

然后你听到一些赞歌,所有人都唱起来,就像百老汇歌剧。And then you have some songs, but everybody comes in and it's like a Broadway play.

虽然我是百分百的欧洲人,能脱口唱出对栓剂的赞歌,但我对灌肠就是有恐惧感。I fear the enema, though I am European enough to sing the praises of suppositories.