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我拱起的脚背仍疼痛著。My instep arch not only keeps the ache.

简便的风格上滑横跨脚背的松紧带。Easy slip-on style with elastic straps across instep.

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一次整型动作即可同时完成关节点与脚背点之定型。This machine can mold the joint point and instep point simultaneously.

整个脚背的钩环肩带适应不同的脚背高度。Two hook-and-loop straps across the instep accommodate various instep heights.

他的膝盖中了弹片,踝关节被切断,脚背被炸飞了。He had shrapnel up to the knee, his ankle was severed and his instep was blown off.

富国皮革鞋面与沿脚背松紧带,以提供额外的回旋余地。Rich leather upper with elasticized bands along the instep to give extra wiggle room.

初学者往往过于重视自己的脚,或最坏的,他们的脚背单位在墙上。Beginners often place too much of their feet, or worst, their instep flat to the wall.

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双脚背弹性戈林沿着鞋面无可挑剔适合你所走的每一步。Dual instep elastic goring along the vamp for an impeccable fit with each step you take.

柔软的皮革鞋面与脚背聚集在美丽的和可调的方扣。Soft leather upper with beautiful gathering at the instep and an adjustable side buckle.

口音拼接增加的风格,同时弹性脚背带提供舒适安全。Accent stitching adds style, while the elastic instep strap provides comfortable security.

绝不要碰左脚背的弓形区域,还有特别是左边最外侧那块儿。Never touch the arch of the left-foot dorsum. And especially not the outer-left-most aspect.

别致的脚背扣是完全可调的,这样可以达到个人,安全,定制适合。Chic instep buckle is fully adjustable so you can achieve a personal, secure, and custom fit.

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我的脚背现在有些痛,现在我可以用我的脚弓传球,星期一的比赛,我的脚背会好起来的。Right now I am able to play with the inside of my foot but my instep will be okay for Monday.

仿皮趋势爬行动物的打印设置一个可调的玛丽珍整个脚背带的上。Faux leather upper in trend-setting reptilian print with an adjustable mary jane strap across the instep.

光滑的皮革或柔软的磨砂鞋面与三个钩环沿背肩带和脚背上的带子。Smooth leather or soft nubuck upper with three hook-and-loop straps along the back strap and across the instep.

射门有多种方式,有外脚背射门,有脚内侧射门,我给他开了一次小灶。In football you shoot several ways, with the outside of your foot, with the inside, and I gave him a small lesson.

因为他看见小男孩两只手掌心上出现了钉痕,而且双脚的脚背上也有两个钉痕。For on the palms of the child's hands were the prints of two nails, and the prints of two nails were on the little feet.

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同时,用手缓慢、连贯、轻松的按摩双脚,先脚背后脚心,直至发热为止。At the same time, with a slow hand, coherent, relaxing massage feet before the foot arch, behind, until the fever so far.

这眼泪由铁石学者的脚背,一直浸润到他的铁石般的心。This tears be arrived always and gradually by the instep of the iron and stone scholar, the heart of his stock and stone.

松弛神经布满神经末梢的脚背极为敏感,进行按摩可放松神经、重振精神。The instep that flabby nerve bestrews nerve ending is very sensitive, undertake massage can relaxation nerve, come up smiling.