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但是两个数字都是无穷大!But both are infinity!

开路时电阻为无穷大。Has infinite resistance when open.

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它是无穷大的,我们叫它3,2,1吧。This is infinity. Let's call this 3, 2, 1.

说到这儿,无穷大的逻辑变得诡异起来。This is where the logic of infinity gets very weird.

正无穷大于包括其自身在内的任何数。Positive Infinity is greater than everything including itself.

在一个无穷大的种群里,自然是能有什么就会发生什么。In an infinite population, anything that can happen will happen.

所以奇偶的判别对无穷大失效。So the whole idea of odd and even does not make sense for infinity.

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这是强有力的陈述,比起直白地说出两者都是无穷大要有力得多。That’s a much stronger statement than saying both sets are infinite.

他还演示了如何能理解将各种无穷大相加和相乘。He also showed how one can make sense of adding and multiplying infinities.

无穷大处的势能,等于,这样的结果就是。We defined it in such a way 0 that the potential energy at infinity is zero.

毕竟,物理学家从未在自然界中见过真正的无穷大,他们也不想见到!After all, physicists never see real infinities in nature, nor do they want to!

出于数学运算纯粹性的要求,这些模型都得把种群规模假设为无穷大。For reasons of mathematical purity, they all assumed an infinite population size.

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彻底绝望的复杂性比起彻底喜悦的复杂性要无穷大。The complexity of absolute despair is infinitely greater than that of absolute joy.

反德西特空间虽然无穷大,却有个位于无穷远的“边界”。Anti-de sitter space, although it is infinite, has a "boundary, " located out at infinity.

是的,力变成无穷大,更具体说是负无穷大。Yeah. So, the force actually goes to infinity, and specifically it goes to negative infinity.

单机无穷大系统算例和多机系统算例证实了所提方法的优越性。Simulations for single-machine infinite system and multi-machine system verify its superiority.

当它为正数时,让它趋于零,或者趋于无穷大。Maybe letting them go to zero if they had to be positive or maybe by making them go to infinity.

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传统的统计学研究的是样本无穷大时的渐近理论。Traditional statistical theory aims at the asymptotic theory when sample size is tend to infinity.

具有共轭点的类光测地线的固有加速度趋于无穷大。It is shown that the proper acceleration of null geodesic with conjugate points approaches infinity.

但是,他对无穷大的研究付出了代价,他生命中的大多数时间花在了德国哈勒大学的精神病院里。He paid for his investigation, however, spending much of his life in a German mental asylum in Halle.