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地震之后,他们聚居在旷野上。They were hiving in the fields after earthquake.

我说的市郊指的是美国白人,基督徒聚居的地方。And by suburban, I mean white, Christian America.

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然后象王带着此人朝着人们聚居的地方出发了。Then he began carrying him towards the land of men.

古邮驿聚落是一种独具特色的聚居形式。Ancient post village is a kind of unique compact community.

众所周知原生生物聚居在饮用水中。Protozoa are known to be common inhabitants of drinking water.

莎莉认为酒店是折中性的,多代聚居的村落。Singer considers the hotel to be an eclectic, multi-generational village.

我们多年聚居的老屋,已经卖给别姓了。The old house our clan had lived in for so many years had already been sold.

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波斯庄不可能是唐代波斯商人登岸聚居和经商之地。Bosi Zhuang isn't the place where Persian merchants landed, lived and traded.

多数微蝠栖息于森林中,其余的则聚居于洞穴中,数目众多。Most are forest dwellers, while others mass in caves, often in large numbers.

现有107户,311人,叶姓为主,是叶姓家族聚居村落。The existing 107 households, 311 people, Yeh, Yeh's family inhabited village.

他一直走到一个有些人家聚居的地方,说不定就是奥斯特里茨村。He reached a settlement which appeared to him to be the village of Austerlitz.

温得和克附近的卡图拉和科马斯达尔是非洲人聚居的城镇。Windhoek card near Tula and comas Darfur are Africans live in cities and towns.

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凤凰古城自古以来就一直是苗族和土家族的聚居地区。Phoenix city since ancient times has been the areas inhabited by the Miao and Tujia.

达格湖里的众多岛屿是他们的聚居点和藏身地。Dagger Lake is full of islands where they lurk in hidden caves and secret strongholds.

因此,对湖南农村聚居模式的研究具有典型和借鉴意义。Therefore, the case study of Hunan province shows meaningful typicality and reference.

呜呼哉,我的素食梦破灭了,那么我的脚踏车行动和小聚居理念还能坚持下去吗?There go my vegetarian dreams. Do my bike and small-living ideas carry me through this?

它是藏族聚居为主,是古老而神秘的少数民族。It is mainly inhabited by Tibetans, a minority nationality of old and mysterious people.

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在几十年间渐渐形成了大量永久性的穆斯林社区和聚居点。Permanent Muslim communities and settlements are gradually formed in the past few decades.

湖北土家族长期聚居在鄂西武陵山区。Tujia ethnic group in Hubei mainly lives in the compact communities of Wuling mountain area.

支持牧区和少数民族聚居山区加快发展。We will support more rapid development of pastoral areas and ethnic minority mountain regions.