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他游手好闲,不务正业。He idled about and did no decent work.

他经常游手好闲,不务正业。He is always loafing around and doing nothing.

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她很爱她的那个虽然不务正业而心地善良的父亲。She had fondly loved her sinful but good-natured father.

但她们一定要年纪轻轻不务正业。你可以取消订餐了。I want them young and unstable. You can cancel that order.

他年轻时不务正业,年老时非辛苦工作不可。Having spent his youth inidleness, he is having to work in his old age.

弟弟不务正业,瞒着妻子常靠姐姐的救济过日子。Brother to work honestly, deceiving his wife often living on sisters relief.

这个政府充斥了彼得的心腹和同党,吃吃喝喝,不务正业,诸如此类的事宜It has personnel who are his buddies, those in favour, lots of eating, drinking, et cetera.

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同时,对于那些不务正业的学生,有些教师还提出警告。At the same time, some teachers would warn the students that didn't attend to their proper works.

为了在困境中求生,“不务正业”已经成为很多国内钢企的必然选择。In order to survive in trouble, "raffish" has become a necessary choice of domestic steel enterprises.

不仅会时常迷失自己,忘记自己的根本,而且还会在内心深处有种不务正业的体会。Not only I often lose the basic speciality and forget myself but also I seem not to do the thing that should be done.

有些时候,看似“不务正业”的事情或许具有更好的发展前景。Some moment, look be like " not attend to one's proper works or duties " the thing has better development prospect probably.

虽然不少人会觉得伊维斯特决定不利用暑假打工显得有些不务正业,但是这位斯坦福大学MBA班的高才生可一点儿也不后悔。While many would consider Ivester's decision to skip a summer internship somewhat frivolous, the Stanford MBA has no regrets.

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奥巴马总统可能不能说卡尔扎伊是个病态不务正业的腐败分子,但是明显他和他的大使是这么想的。President Obama may not be able to say that Karzai is a pathologically corrupt nutjob, but it's clearly what he and his emissaries think.

虽然它很容易被酷炫的视觉效果搞得不务正业,但是在下面的这个表中,BumpTop确实提供了一些非常引人注目的功能。It is easy to get sidetracked by the cool visuals, but underneath all of this, BumpTop actually provides some very compelling functionality.

兰儿是个善良的女孩,也许她不愿意直接说接受不了我的工作,怕我伤心,有哪个女孩会喜欢自己的男朋友是个不务正业的呢?Orchid is a kind girl, maybe she would not say directly can not accept my work, if I am sad, any girl who will love my boyfriend is a bottle?

宗教团体花费了太多的精力及时间在客观条件的关注上,我们不能说它不好,但是这总免不了会有些不伦不类,以及不务正业之嫌。Religion groups spend too much time in paying attention to objective condition, which is not bad, but it is somewhat nondescript and not professional.

在滕振国的妻子冯俊梅看来,丈夫结婚后不好好挣钱养家,就是不务正业。In Teng Zhenguo's wife Feng Junmei looks, do not earn money well after marital marriage raise the home, it is not attend to one's proper works or duties.

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而对于崇拜大英雄的我,总以为那就是我奋斗的目标,整天“舞刀弄棍”,不务正业,相信有天我也会成为大英雄。As for the hero worship of me, and always thought it was my objective of the struggle all day, "brandish sticks, " much work, I believe one day I would become a great hero.

但是,这是一部有关兄弟电影,周,台湾演员,歌手,有一个娃娃脸的钢制,使加藤一个有吸引力的对面Britt的欺凌不务正业的人。But this is a movie about brotherhood, and Chou, the Taiwanese actor-singer, has a baby-faced steeliness that makes Kato an attractive opposite to Britt's bullying layabout.

但是,他很失望地看到我,并没有将心思放在学习上,而是一天到晚不务正业,对着电脑玩游戏,而荒废了学习。However, he was disappointed to see me, and do not concentrate on learning, but all day long doing regular jobs, front of the computer playing games, but abandoned in the study.