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什么是植物园?What is and arboretum?

植物园中的温室。Hothouse in Botanic gardens.

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这辆车云不去植物园?Does this bus go to the botany?

我相信她是从伦敦国立植物园弄来的。I believe she gets them out from Kew.

野生动植物园只在四月至九月开放。A wildlife garden is open April to September only.

我们可以去南郊的植物园。We can go to the arboretum in the southern suburb.

亦多谢嘉道理农场暨植物园李国城及卢刚给我们意见。Lee Kwok Shing and Lu Gang of KFBG for their advice.

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欢迎光临中国科学院华西亚高山植物园!Welcome to the West China Subalpine Botanical Garden!

这个户外空间也是植物园的一部分。This open-air space is also part of the Botanic Garden.

这张照片摄于在埃尔兰根植物园。The picture was taken at the Botanical Garden in Erlangen.

百花山野生花卉资源丰富,有华北“天然植物园”之称。There are abundant wild flower resources in Baihua mountain.

一位年轻女子坐在植物园的喷泉附近。A young woman sits near a fountain in the Botanischer Garten.

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布朗克斯动物园很棒,植物园也很赞,适合男女参观。Bronx zoo is fine, Botanical Gardens is great, for males and females.

华盛顿国家植物园,荷花玉兰上的花萤Cantharidae on Magnolia grandiflora, National Arboretum, Washington, D.C.

那是植物园,是新加坡花园城市的花园中之花园。That is Botanic Gardens, a heart of green in the garden city of Singapore.

今年的花朝节,我和一行人来到武汉植物园过花朝节。This year, we will spend the Flower Fairy Festival in Wuhan Botanical Garden.

植物园里有许多各种植物,尤其是仙人掌居多。The botanical garden had many different plants and trees, especially cactuses.

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植物园的迷宫之灯也是巧妙异常。The lantern of the labyrinth of the Jardin des Plantes is also very ingenious.

当然这也只是测试下植物园,并且只在一种认知功能下。Of course it only tested an arboretum, and only one type of cognitive function.

新加坡植物园是新加坡这个热带岛屿繁茂的缩影。The Singapore Botanic Gardens epitomises the tropical island's luxuriant parks.