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那么我们今年要留意哪些驼色单品呢?So what items are we seeing in camel this year?

骆驼色的沙丘沿着湖泊的北岸滚滚而过。Camel-colored sand dunes ripple along the lake's northern shore.

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骆驼色的沙丘沿着湖泊的北岸滚滚而过。Camel-colored sand dunes ripple along the lake’s northern shore.

就像我上面所说的那样,驼色已经横扫了所有T台。So like I mentioned above, this colour has been all over the runways.

从驼色到黑色、包括椒盐色、灰色、虎斑色都有。From fawn to black, passing through salt and pepper, gray and brindle.

你也不必拘泥于百分百的驼色来为服装添彩。Also you do not have to use true camel in order to bring your outfits to life.

今年,驼色的新品重拳出击,霸占了所有的舞台,引领了男性、女性的秋冬潮流。Camel was big news on ALL the runways this year within men AND women’s fashion.

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如果是假驼毛,一般是用羊毛经过染色,开水泡后会褪色,水也成驼色。If it is a camel hair, generally after dyeing wool, open blisters will fade, water has a camel.

它的威力或许不及驼色大衣,但是却提供了更多搭配的选择。They are more subtle that a camel overcoat, but allow you many more options with what to pair them with.

当然你也不必非得买一件驼色的大衣,这一季的驼色单品会多得让你目不暇接。Of course you do not have to go for the traditional camel overcoat, because camel is everywhere this season.

在植被稀少的驼色山丘中部,矿区显示为不均匀的灰色斑块。The mine complex appears as an uneven patch of gray in the midst of camel-colored hills devoid of vegetation.

理想的情况是,椒盐色标准雪纳瑞拥有灰色底毛,但褐色底毛或驼色底毛也可以接受。Ideally, pepper and salt Standard Schnauzers have a gray undercoat, but a tan or fawn undercoat is not to be penalized.

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灰色也是本季的一个关键,将灰色与驼色搭配用于混合纱线也是对经典风格的诠释。The grey palette is again key, also in mixture yarn interpretations and teamed to camel, in classic-style interpretations.

于是改良了一下,配上英伦风的平底鞋和阔腿裤,再加上驼色系列的帽子和羊毛衫,白色围巾让这一套看起来更温柔了,冬季里也更加暖和了。My improved version comes with brimmed hat, camel color top and coat and white scarf to add a gentle touch and warm feeling.

大围巾的随意搭,很有英伦风范哦,驼色同色系的手包,尽显MM的时尚风范。Big scarf at will build, the very British style of camel's hair with color, oh the hand bag, all show the fashionable MM model.

如果您还是有点不敢尝试以上力荐的单品的话,巧妙地运用驼色也可以让你成为时尚达人。If you are not quite that confident in using such bold statement pieces, you can still get on trend by giving subtle nods to it.

中山装的色彩很丰富,除常见的蓝色、灰色外,还有驼色、黑色、白色、灰绿色、米黄色等。Zhongshan Suit is rich in color, in addition to the common blue and gray, there are camel, black, white, gray-green, beige and so on.

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“懒散魅力”设计师在后台说道,这个系列是驼色的广泛应用和搭配奢华运动长裤的羊毛大衣的混合。“Languid glamour, ” the designer said backstage, summing up the mix of rangy camel dresses and cashmere coats with luxurious sweat pants.

粗布驼色裤可以化腐朽为神奇地给沉重的冬季衣柜增添生机,也可以给你全身的搭配带来亮点。Bold camel trousers are a perfect way of injecting some life into a dull winter wardrobe, whilst still giving you a focal point to the outfit.

大地色无疑是这一季的主打,驼色也非常适合“王室风范”“大都市遭遇乡村风尚”这些流行系列,并且配合得天衣无缝。Earth tones are definitely big for this season, and camel will fit in with trends such as Queen’s Country, Town meets Country and the like seamlessly.