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这就像打游击战。It is just like guerrilla warfare.

不要翻白眼、大声叹气、打游击战。No eye-rolling, no heavy sighing, no guerilla activities.

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就是这样,基本的游击战术。这是我喜欢的!That's it, classic guerrilla tactics, that's what we like!

甚至在萨达姆被捕之后,伊拉克又爆发了新一轮反美游击战。A post-Saddam wave of anti-US guerrilla warfare has broken out.

如果开战,我们会针对缅甸政府军发起游击战。We will wage guerrilla warfare against the Burmese army if conflict breaks out.

许多士兵对此感到痛苦,他们想继续战斗,他们说,可以用游击战与北方佬对抗。They wanted to continue to fight. They spoke of guerrilla war against the Yankees.

蓄奴主义者对“自由之府”劳伦斯镇的洗劫点燃了随后游击战的火种。When proslavery forces sacked the "free state" town of Lawrence, guerrilla warfare ensued.

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俄国革命由上往下无情地强加,中国则是靠游击战。The Russian revolution was imposed ruthlessly from above, the Chinese one by guerrilla war.

{巴西}采用了游击战术,将资本流入税提高了一倍,以遏制{雷亚尔}急剧升值。Brazil used the guerrilla tactic of doubling taxes on capital inflows to stop the real surging.

由于游击战的牵制,侵略者无法输送给养或援兵。The aggressors could not get supplies or reinforcements through because of the guerrilla warfare.

因此,这种正规战,在某种意义上,是提高了的游击战。Thus, in a sense, this type of regular warfare was only guerrilla warfare raised to a higher level.

在某些条件下,对于战争胜利的全局的胜利来说,游击战比阵地战更有效。Under certain conditions, guerrilla warfare works better to the overall victory than trench warfare.

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这次,他们放弃大规模武装起义,而是开展游击战和暗杀行动。The exhibition This time, they give an armed uprising scale, but develop guerrilla and assassination.

但是集合许多小胜化为大胜,则是正规战游击战所共同的。What is common to both, however, is the accumulation of many minor victories to make a major victory.

也正是由于游击战的本性,金山一直都没有建立起稳固的根据地。Also the nature as a result of bushfighting, golden hill did not establish firm base area all the time.

此阶段中我之作战形式主要的是游击战,而以运动战辅助之。In this stage, our form of fighting will be primarily guerrilla warfare, supplemented by mobile warfare.

一小股抵抗力量撤退到群上中展开游击战,抵抗了39年。A small resistance force fled to the mountains waging a guerrilla war of resistance for another 39 years.

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奇奇梅克将领通常利用这些部队实施游击战术,突袭敌军侧翼,骚扰敌人后方。Chichimec Generals use these raiders as hit and run warriors, appearing on the flanks or behind enemy units.

但是在平日里与中国进行的网络游击战看来,我们的政府只是在保护他们自己的网络。But in the daily guerrilla cyberwar with China, our government is engaged in defending only its own networks.

占领军中有一个有同情心的角色,是一位参加过游击战的古巴上校。The one sympathetic character among the occupying forces is a Cuban colonel with a background in guerilla warfare.