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学会如何一笑置之。Learn how to laugh it off.

里利对我的推理只是一笑置之。Rielly just laughed at my reasoning.

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只要问心无愧,无端指责可一笑置之。A clear conscience laughs at false accusation.

演员要学会能对贬斥性评论一笑置之的本领。An actor has to learn to laugh off bad reviews.

总统对尴尬的处境一笑置之。The president laughed off the awkward situation.

这些小道消息被当作一派胡言而一笑置之。All this scuttle butt was laughed off as nonsense.

你不确定的事情就可以一笑置之。You can laugh for things you are not so sure with.

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后来,我听说伦斯德对这种惊慌一笑置之。Later I heard that Rundstedt laughed off the alarm.

像那样幼稚的想法可以一笑置之。A childish idea like that can be amusedly tolerated.

然而穆加贝显然对他在国际社会上的臭名一笑置之。Yet Mugabe apparently tries to laugh off his global infamy.

我惊讶于他们究竟在多大程度可以如此一笑置之。I was astonished at how much they were able to laugh things off.

你真是个有雅量的人,对我们的恶作剧一笑置之。You’ve been a good sport to laugh at the trick we played on you.

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然而,对这种废话少说的工作态度,他大可一笑置之。This no-nonsense attitude makes him an absolute joy to work with.

他想把这件事一笑置之,何塞火冒三丈,两人打了起来。When he tried to laugh it off, Jose became furious and they fought.

这些小道消息被当作一派胡言而一笑置之。These hearsay are treated as nonsense and push it away with a smile.

不过,在被问及该书出版时恰当的时机时,两人一笑置之。Still, its authors laugh when asked about the book’s opportune timing.

他还想自己要不要写一篇遗作,继而对这个念头一笑置之。He wondered if he ought to write a swan-song, but laughed the thought away.

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话虽这么说,但即便是在最残忍无情的人心里,也埋藏着可怕得难以一笑置之的恐惧。But even in the cruellest heart there are some fears too terrible to laugh at.

他说,当朋友们第一次讲给他用稻草建造房屋的事时,他只是一笑置之。He says he laughed when some friends first told him about houses built of straw.

下一次,他们再说出那样的话,一笑置之,转化话题就可以了。Next time they make a negative comment, laugh it off and change the conversation.