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安来到我们队给我们增加了一员干将。Ann will be a very useful addition to our team.

于是银行决定在办公室保留一批“得力干将”。So banks chose to keep a skeleton staff in the office instead.

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干将是我国古代铸铁造剑的工匠。China's go- getters is made of cast iron sword of ancient craftsmen.

为刘昌强冲锋陷阵的得力干将樊金文今年25岁。Liu Changjiang strikes skeleton staff for the 25-year-old Fan Jinwen.

而马渊曾是野田派系的得力干将,一度亲如兄弟。And Ma Yuan was Noda factions skeleton staff, once as close as brothers.

马丁是格里·亚当斯的高级助手,他自己就是一员得力干将。Martin was Gerry Adams’s top aide and a powerful force in his own right.

我们损失了一批中场干将,比如贝纳永、里埃拉、阿奎拉尼和马斯切拉诺。We've lost some quality midfield players in Benayoun, Riera, Aquilani on loan and Mascherano.

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卡米罗·斯特拉是莫雷蒂手下的一员干将,他是在一起抢劫杀人案中被逮捕的。Camillo Stela, one of Moretti's soldati, had been caught in a murder committed during a robbery.

中国中东问题特使孙必干将于近日访问埃及、以色列和巴勒斯坦。China's special envoy on the Middle East Sun Bigan is to visit Egypt, Israel and Palestine soon.

然而,关毅也是中宏集团总裁权老的得力干将。However, guan Yi also is medium the capable able person with old power of grand group president.

但,在学校上数学课的时候,他们中的一个向我借橡皮胶,从此以后,我们很快就成为死党,我就成为他们圈子中的一员干将。In school, one of them asked to borrow my eraser in math class. After that we quickly became friends.

该创业计划中包括挖走费尔曼的得力干将洛利和重要客户玛格特。The business plan includes poached Fireman's effective go-getters Margot Raleigh, and important customers.

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这名队员在上周巴基斯坦行动中成为了海豹突击队最优秀的干将之一。The man who got that chance in Pakistan last weekend was a member of the SEAL community's most elite unit.

之后,这个激进集团开始推进发展和提升年轻“造反派干将”的行动。Later, the radical group then began to push for the rapid recruitment and promotion of young "rebel heroes."

利物浦的22位球员里大多数实在过去几个赛季足总青年杯中的得力干将。Liverpool's 22 players comprised the bulk of their FA Youth Cup-winning sides of the past couple of seasons.

另一个传说中的工匠干将甚至说能够铸造青铜剑拥有巫师的力量!Another legendary artisan Gan Jiang was even said to be able to cast a bronze sword possessing a wizard's power!

王天木还告诉金深水,戴笠将启用一位叫莫愁湖的干将,协助他除掉白大怡。Wang Tianmu also told gold deep water, wear Li will enable a call of Mochou Lake go getters, assist him baidayi away.

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从现在开始,奥巴马将会向希拉里的捐款人筹措资金,招募她手下的得力干将,争取她的支持者的支持。From now on Mr Obama will tap Mrs Clinton’s financial donors, enlist some of her staff and reach out to her supporters.

还有一座干将坊,人们说是当年干将铸剑的作坊。There is also found a neighbourhood named Gan'Jiang'Fang or Ganjiang Smithy where reputedly the couple had cast swords.

白宫首席战略专家兼得力干将卡尔。罗夫将于本月底离职。Chief political strategist and right-hand man Karl Rove will be leaving his post at the White House by the end of month.