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她很可爱,不过是个矮冬瓜。She's cute, but she is a shrimp.

然后把冬瓜放在盘内。Then on the plate with wax gourd.

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冬瓜也是减肥圣品唷!Yo melon is also a weight-loss products saint!

一日,一个瘦小的冬瓜被遗弃在了小河边。Day, a thin wax gourd was abandoned in a small river.

图一、冬瓜萎凋病在田间的病徵。Fig. 1. Symptoms of Fusarium wilt of wax gourd at a field.

另外两种瓜类还有冬瓜和黄瓜。Two other types of melons include winter melon and cucumber.

食用时可用冬瓜煲汤或清炒,滋味尽量淡一些。Available when eating melon soup, or fried, taste, try some light.

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冬瓜的形状是椭圆形的,长长的,大大的,活像一个可爱的小娃娃。Wax gourd shape is oval, long, large, looked like a cute little doll.

多吃冬瓜可以消除浮肿现象,瘦腿部及四肢。Eat more wax gourd can eliminate dropsy phenomenon, thin legs and arms and legs.

一个好好的人,年纪大了,他们便叫你做老冬瓜,老畜生!When a man is no longer young, they call him nothing but an old bird, old beast!

我真没想到不起眼的冬瓜有这么大的作用,以后一定要多吃冬瓜。I really did not expect so much melon inconspicuous role in the future must eat melon.

刨冬瓜皮时,要彻底刨去瓜皮的绿色部份,这样做出来的冬瓜茸才幼滑。Make sure you completely remove all the winter melon's green skin to ensure a smooth soup.

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接着把所有食物转移到一口深锅里,再加一杯椰浆、并放入冬瓜。Transfer to a deeper pot, and add another cup of coconut milk together with the wax gourd.

把鱼片、冬菇、冬瓜片及金华火腿相间排碟上。Lay the fish fillet, dry mushrooms, winter melon and cooked ham in alternative layers on a plate.

基本上它和普通红咖喱的做法一样,只是多了一个加入冬瓜的步骤。You cook it in much the same way as other red curries but there is an extra step with the wax gourd.

所得水冬瓜油不仅酸价低,色泽浅,而且精炼率高。M oil was not only low of acid value, light of colour and lustre, but also the high rate of refining.

以黄瓜、冬瓜、脱脂奶粉、魔芋精粉为主要原料研制天然减肥蔬菜汁乳饮料。The natural weight reducing vegetable juice milky beverage was made of cucumber, waxgourd, skim milk and konjac flour.

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介绍了以冬瓜、茶叶为原料,经榨汁、煎汁、过滤等处理过程提取其有效成分,配以辅料精制成蔬菜茶汁复合饮料的方法。As the raw material , winter-melon and tea were processed, by use of squeezing, decocting, filtrating method and so on.

通过对冬瓜山铜矿的热源分析和计算,确立了冬瓜山铜矿的降温方法。The cooling methods are determined through the analysis and calculation of heat re- sources in Dongguashan Copper Mine.

冬瓜山铜矿是最深的金属矿山目前在中国,这里的岩石是典型的易突发之一。Dongguashan Copper Mine is one of the deepest metal mines in China presently, where the rocks are typically burst-prone.