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在中场休息时,堪萨斯松鹰领先了17分。The Jayhawks led by 17 at the break.

攻击型中场,18岁,河床Attacking midfielder, 18, River Plate

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那么,怎样才能抵抗钻石型中场?So, how can the diamond be countered?

中场休息时还是平局。It was still anyone's game at half-time.

每一个人总问我关于中场的事情。Everybody always asks me about half-time.

边锋/攻击型中场,19岁,巴塞尔Winger or attacking midfielder, 19, Basel

一个还没出过场的中场球员?A central midfielder who hasnt played yet?

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曼奇尼实际上输掉了中场。Mancini had effectively lost his midfield.

防守型中场,左脚,南特队主力。Defence half, left foot, regular of Nantes.

利物浦队在中场休息后让候补队员上场比赛。Liverpool brought on their sub AT half-time.

利物浦的中场看起来慢吞吞的,很平凡。Liverpool's midfield looked slow and stodgy.

足球运动员在中场休息后互换场地。Football players change over after half-time.

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中场居中的位置由埃默森与迪亚拉占据着。The midfield was taken by Emerson and Diarra.

中场队员把球传给马拉多纳射门。The midfielder laid the ball off for Maradona.

在篝火之夜,切尔西中场防守稳固。By Bonfire Night, Chelsea were firmly mid-table.

热那亚正在追逐罗马中场切尔奇。Genoa are chasing Roma midfielder Alessio Cerci.

约维蒂奇在中场表现非常不错。Jovetic was playing in the middle and doing well.

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米克尔代替马克莱莱成为中场持球者。Mikel replaces Makelele as the holding midfielder.

用老穆的话来讲,这是个菱形中场。That's a midfield diamond in Mourinho terminology.

然后帕特里克博格生病了,我就出现在了中场。Then Patrik Berger got sick and I was in midfield.