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独夫们是凶暴的,但黎民是善良的。Men are cruel- but Man is kind.

现在许多国度的黎民饱受公害之苦。People in many countries are enduring public harizonaards.

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统治者要为黎民的利益着想。The rulers should consider the interests of the multitude.

我想把一些英镑换成黎民币。I wish to change some British sterling into Renminbisexual.

查理·斯旺是福克斯和蔼黎民的斯旺警长。Charlie is Police Chief Swa very to the good people of Forks.

在从事电影事业之前,黎民伟最喜爱的还是戏剧。Before being engaged in movie business, his favorite was drama.

一个剪彩的场景里,把彩带换成一张红色的百元黎民币。During an inauguration, change the ribbon into a red paper money of rmb100.

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黎民生活情况的改善原因有两点。There are two reasons for the improvement in peoplewouls living conditions.

为什么罪犯们比一般遵法黎民得到更多的人权?Why do criminals have more human rights than the common law abiding citizen?

用公正的法律与法庭来保证黎民与国度。Protect people a particulard nines with fair laws a particulard merely courts.

啊,凡人如何能够认为自己有能力用未知的法律主宰黎民呢?Ah! What is man, to thinkhimself capable of dictating laws to beings whom he knows not?

请你告诉我英镑兑换黎民币的汇率是几多,好吗?。Would you pleautomotive service engineers tell me the exchange ringested for pound sterling into RMB?

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联邦政府逐渐地迫使在南方居多的白人容许黑人享有黎民权利。The Federal Government has, gradually compelled the white majority in the South to allow Negroes to enjoy civic rights.

在民间传说中,玉兰寓意“报恩”,这源自“玉兰”三姐妹拯救黎民、被变为玉兰树的民间传说。In folklore, mangnoliaflowers meaning "gratitude", which come from three sisters saving the common people, made intomangnolia.

一大局部人感触他们的黎民自由被腐蚀。你们有什么方法来改动他们的这种感想?What are you going to do reverse the feeling amongst large sections of the public that their civil liberties are being eroded?

但归根结底,中国指示人信任,欧洲的问题要靠它自己——靠它的黎民和政府来解决。But in the end China's leaders believe it is up to Europe and its own people and governments to sort out their problems themselves.

在法国,从政府要员到作家、教授乃至普通黎民,险些都有爱书和念书的习惯。In France, from government officials to writer, professors and ordinary people, almost all have love books and the habit of reading.

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我们巴望们能够进一步发挥主动作用,向中国黎民先容世界,也向世界先容中国国际的生长、中国酬酢的方针政策,更多地起到桥梁和纽带作用。And I hope that you will all serve as a bridge and bond in increasing mutual understanding between China and other countries in the world.

人类从历史的黎民开始,就不断地遭受着灾荒的袭击。我国自古以来就是一个多灾的国家,灾荒的影响涉及到社会生活的方方面面。From the very beginning of human history, people have been suffering from the strikes of natural disasters, thus how to defend and help is what people mostly concerned.

黎民伟,香港电影的创始人,他以广东人所特有的开拓精神投入到香港早期电影中去,大力提倡拍摄本土电影。Li Minwei is the founder of Hong Kong films. He devoted himself onto the production of early Hong Kong films with pioneer spirit . He also advocated making local films.