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无所作为我们就不能学习了解。And we cannot learn without doing.

政府并非完全无所作为。The government was not entirely inactive.

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天不助无所作为的人。Heaven never helps the men who will not act.

无所作为的另一种风险可能就是局部战争。Another risk of inaction could be regional war.

如果俺们无所作为视而不见,呆坏账就会随处可见。If we do not act, we are going to find bad debt everywhere.

不犯错误的人往往就是无所作为的人。The man who makes no mistakes doesn't usually make anything.

好斗的言辞常常是无所作为的借口。Bellicose rhetoric most often serves as an excuse for inaction.

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不犯错误的人往往也就是无所作为的人。They man who makes no mistakes does not usually make any-thing.

当然,有了激情,我们就不会为无所作为寻找借口。And of course, passion keeps us from not finding excuses to do nothing.

而除了一小部分总部设在莫斯科的报纸之外,媒体大都无所作为。And, apart from a few Moscow-based newspapers, the media are mostly supine.

我们对自己的双重性格高谈阔论,对扬长避短却无所作为。We talk of our dual personality, and do nothing to cultivate the better part.

世界银行研究报告警告说,在多哈议程上无所作为的代价在上升。The cost of inaction on the Doha Agenda is rising, the World Bank study cautions.

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人们对政府官员啧有烦言,认为他们在净化空气方面无所作为。Government officials have been criticized for doing too little to clean up the air.

然而计算机制造商在培育独立的软件产业方面却无所作为。Yet its computer makers have done little to foster independent software businesses.

这会导致无所作为和恐惧,这些正是股市崩盘的先决条件。This leads to inaction and fear — the preconditions for a crash in the stock market.

当面临着无所作为或有所行动的选择时,始终选择采取行动!When faced with the choice of doing nothing or doing something, always choose to act!

一个被误导的事业如果要成功,它惟一需要的是好人无所作为。All that is needed for the triumph of a misguided cause is that good people do nothing.

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认为联合国在发展问题上无所作为,这显然是一种误解。To allege that the UN has no role to play on development is an obvious misunderstanding.

我们持守宗教的虚华辞藻和重生的高谈阔论,却无所作为。We've held onto our religious rhetoric and our revival talk but we've become so passive.

这样,锁粗化还可以让其他对锁定无所作为的优化措施发挥作用。So lock coarsening can also enable other optimizations that have nothing to do with locking.