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他们关掉了应急注水。They turn off the EIW.

到应急锚地去。Go to emergency anchorage.

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进入应急锚地。Go to emergency anchorage.

应急行动方案。a plan for emergency actions.

驶向应急锚地。Proceed to emergency anchorage.

应急消防泵不能工作。Emergency fire pump not pumping.

这架飞机正在应急放油。The airplane is dumping gasoline.

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公共部门对此无需做出采取应急行动。No action by the public is necessary.

多谢支持香港业馀电台联会应急通讯!!!Thank you for your support HARTS ARES! ! !

我们应该对任何应急情况有所准备。We should be prepared for any contingency.

什么是后应急选择性除草剂?。What is Post-Emergent Selective Herbicide?

灾难主题海报设计应急而生。The theme poster design of disaster appear.

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有一个市的乐高港消防应急!There's a fire emergency in LEGO CITY harbor!

你应当留出一笔钱以应急之用。You should set aside money for emergency use.

把应急物品摆放在你的床边。Keep extra emergency supplies at your bedside.

我总是在身边备些钱用来应急。I always keep some money by me for emergencies.

根据应急需要,暂借部分产品。According to the emergency needs, loan products.

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最后一项就是这个应急团队的规模。Finally, there was the size of the response team.

应急停止程序业经同意?Has the emergency shutdown procedure been agreed?

第四章突发事件应急管理系统总述。Chapter Four is a summary of Emergency Management.